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Everything posted by Spacejet

  1. Hi. So I Put in the modid but it is still not working. The texture is still as it was. I think it has something to do with me copying the code from BlockTorch.java . Any help is greatly appriciated.
  2. sorry. i don't know what i was thinking when i masked my modid because it is visible throughout the other files. and yes i noticed after i posted that the modid was missing. i'll change that and update you guys
  3. My Apologies. Here is the code i mentioned. everything except the texture is working just fine. This is the blockstates json file: And this is the model file for lantern: And this for lantern_wall even enumfacing is working fine, but the models are not this is how they look: The model was working fine before i tried to add the torch functionality. Then it has stayed broken, even though i reverted all my changes. Hope this was enough.
  4. I am learning JAVA(from maybe a month now) so i am totally new to all forge things. So, I wanted to ask how do you get some properties, namely the minecraft torch property of different textures when placed on side of blocks and the one in which it pops off when the block it is placed on is broken. I tried copying some code which i thought was relavent to the property of placing on side of blocks, the one using enumfacing, but my game used to crash saying that enum is never used and is not in blockstate container i am currently on my phone so can't attach the files but will do so if requiered. Please do tell me if there is something i am doing stupidly wrong. i also tried adding all the torch code ,without the block properties and stuff of course, but it did not render the model tgis time. the enumfacing worked though. Any help will be greatly appreciated [EDIT] I forgot to mention that i am making a custom model block named 'Lantern'. Also, I wanted it to be placeble on the downside of blocks, which cannot be done with minecraft torch
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