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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. The mod already runs well with or without the other mod, with other stuff added. I'm asking how to run from Eclipse without the other mod without directly removing it, so I can test for bugs.
  2. While adding compatibility, how can I test whether my mod works without the mod I'm adding stuff for without building and running in regular forge? I'm adding the other mod (TCon)'s JAR to my build path and libs folder, then using seperate classes for TCon compat things. It works, but how can I test? If I directly remove it, I get errors (from imports and objects and everything).
  3. I'm trying to add a GuiTextField to a GUI from another mod (via the GuiScreenEvent.InitGuiEvent event). However, there is no event.getButtonList() equivalent, and looking at GuiScreen it looks like GUIs have to explicitly render them. How can I add a GuiTextField to another mod's GUI?
  4. I'm updating my mod from 1.10.2 to 1.12, and I'm using the Thaumcraft API (since it's a Thaumcraft addon); however, Ingredients and NonNullLists don't seem to exist, but are referenced the both Thaumcraft, and the Forge changelog. Have they been moved or removed? They don't seem to exist anymore, but I can't find any mention of their removal. Turned out I put the 1.12 version of all my stuff in a different folder, and forgot to switch workspaces. (Is there a delete post button?)
  5. And how about storing the nbt of blocks inside that area? I want it to act as if I has Ctrl-Right-Clicked it in creative.
  6. Does InteliJ have an "import project from external location" thing? If so, set up your projects as normal and use that; navigate to the folder you'd set up your workspace in and import those projects and it works. In Eclipse at least
  7. Is there any simple way of storing a large-ish area of blocks (7x7x7) in item nbt? Or do I have to make my own methods for that?
  8. ...except it's private. Time to try Reflection.
  9. I say that because I haven't tested it. Looking at the code it should work, but I haven't actually checked if it works myself, mostly because I just found it now.
  10. Do setFlag(7, true) every tick whilst flying to the EntityLivingBase you want to fly. This will likely break a lot of things.
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