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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Basically the problem is players have no knockback when hitting each other, except when they hit me, the host. It's weird problem because at the start of today the problem only existed for one player, eventually everyone seems to take no knockback now except for me, the host. Has anyone else experieced this problem and fixed it? I'm hosting the server using hamachi and Open to Lan. Here is the list of mods: https://pastebin.com/JAV3NJtk
  2. Here's the log for it : https://pastebin.com/24tsXws5 The worst problem I'm currently having with this is that I can't narrow a specific mod because the server randomly freezes at "applying lookups" Sometimes the server works fine and loads the world. Although when the world loads fine, the "help" command doesnt work. Here is a log on when the server doesn't freeeze : https://pastebin.com/0Q6PHQvu
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