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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Tysm dude!. Its working now :3
  2. Okay, so this kinda going out of topic... Can you just help me why is my model is not working???. I'll try to fix my code and make it efficient, but now I only want to know how to fix this issue...
  3. That's a really good tips there. Is there's any example about the @SidedProxy things and the others?
  4. Uploaded it on github. https://github.com/DrOreo002/OreoMod Pls help
  5. the model is fine.., I've tested it after I made it with a custom resource pack. I don't have that much time to upload it into github rn. I'll do that tommorow
  6. I can post it into github if you want. I'll do it, I really need to fix this...
  7. :(. Bump.., pls help me m8 ty for your help btw
  8. ??, what do you mean? this all of my texture (png file) btw
  9. its a valid json. 0 error
  10. Okay, its working with a simple model. But using this custom 3d model is not working somehow, it just show a invisible item
  11. hmm, lemme try it.
  12. Nope no error.
  13. Hey. I'm new to modding here. But I know java and I'm a plugin dev at spigotmc So I follow this tutorial Link but my json model is not working. Idk what did I do wrong here.., and also I've tested my json model on custom resoucepack and it is working fine. did I do something wrong on???, please help. If you need the class to register the model or anything I can send it to you, just ask me
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