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Everything posted by DrOreo002

  1. Okay, so this kinda going out of topic... Can you just help me why is my model is not working???. I'll try to fix my code and make it efficient, but now I only want to know how to fix this issue...
  2. That's a really good tips there. Is there's any example about the @SidedProxy things and the others?
  3. Uploaded it on github. https://github.com/DrOreo002/OreoMod Pls help
  4. the model is fine.., I've tested it after I made it with a custom resource pack. I don't have that much time to upload it into github rn. I'll do that tommorow
  5. I can post it into github if you want. I'll do it, I really need to fix this...
  6. :(. Bump.., pls help me m8 ty for your help btw
  7. ??, what do you mean? this all of my texture (png file) btw
  8. Okay, its working with a simple model. But using this custom 3d model is not working somehow, it just show a invisible item
  9. Hey. I'm new to modding here. But I know java and I'm a plugin dev at spigotmc So I follow this tutorial Link but my json model is not working. Idk what did I do wrong here.., and also I've tested my json model on custom resoucepack and it is working fine. did I do something wrong on???, please help. If you need the class to register the model or anything I can send it to you, just ask me
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