thanks for the help it is much appreciated.
I will have a look at the mod.
Don't suppose you know of any tutorials.
Yikes, i don't really understand much of that.
Here my thoughts
I could use
String playerS = "playername";
MinecraftServer var1 = MinecraftServer.getServer();
EntityPlayerMP entityplayermp = var1.getConfigurationManager().getPlayerForUsername(playerS);
to find the player
entityplayermp.playerNetServerHandler.setPlayerLocation(entityplayermp3.posX, entityplayermp3.posY, entityplayermp3.posZ, entityplayermp3.rotationYaw, entityplayermp3.rotationPitch);
to move the player to the right spot (but that doesn't do head rotation too right)?
But I don't know how to call this every tick, just once with an icommand.