Can you rewrite your question,because i can't understand it.
But if you want to use a potion in a crafting recipe,then you need to make the recipe with ItemStack,like:
new ItemStack(Item.potion,1,damage)
Example for Potion of Regeneration:
new ItemStack(Item.potion,1,8193)
For registering name,i have used:
LanguageRegistry.instance().addStringLocalization(((BlockStoneSlabs)YourSingleSlab).getFullSlabName(0)+".name", "Your Slab");
In the loop you aren't using the elements,you should: letters
But for understanding from minecraft is a really terrible thing,because of the variable names.
You should start making you own games,like a simple top-down shooter games,platform games,pacman any easy game do it.
And i recommend you LWJGL and Slick2D
It's because of the slab is an itemblock,you need a custom itemblock for it,but a more simple thing is to put a line in the FMLPostInitializationEvent :
Item.itemsList[YourSingleSlab.blockID] = (new ItemSlab(YourSingleSlab.blockID - 256, (BlockHalfSlab)YourSingleSlab, (BlockHalfSlab)YourDoubleSlab, false)).setItemName("YourSlabName");
Are you new to Java? =)
Yes with enum you can do that,but if you want the same thing to do when it starts with 'X' letter,then you just make an array,or an arraylist,any collection do it,then loop it through.
Hi all!
I'm trying to increase the sea level and ground level,i already achieved this (to 128 from 64) BUT,the whole world is flat (except lakes,oceans etc).
I have edited the ChunkProviderGenerator,i think the problem should be arond the noise generators,is there anyway to fix this?
It's because the minecraft uses metadata to checking if it's on bottom or on top.
You can only use the first 8 metadata because the last 8 metadata is the top one.
You will need two block for wool,one for the first 8 ,one for the last 8.
Probably you shouldn't register the gui into the CommonProxy,you need a seperate GuiHandler
For opening gui i'm using :
par5EntityPlayer.openGui(YourMod.instance, YourGuiID, par1World, par2, par3, par4);
par2,par3,par4 are coordinates: x,y,z