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  1. I felt it would be related to ForgeRegistries. Now I just feel stupid. Thanks.
  2. This might be a really stupid question. In the past I there was a getBlockFromName method but I can't seem to find an equivalent for 1.14. I'm using the structure files created when using the structure blocks in minecraft to store player created structures for later use and they store the block palettes using the block names (i.e. minecraft:stone). So long story short is there a method in 1.14 to convert the block names to a Block?
  3. Oh, sorry for the confusion. It's not a world gen structure. It's an item that builds structures on use using items in the players inventory. So instead of listing every block location and then testing block.isReplaceable(world, pos) I'll need to find a good way to store relative positioning of the structure so that I can loop through the positions with only a single isReplaceable test that gets called each loop. (And hopefully have the looping generic enough so that I can have the single item usable for multiple structures)
  4. Ok. I was afraid of that. I'll needed to find a better way of storing the block locations of the structure then.
  5. I'm pretty new to modding but have a pretty good understanding of Java. The big question I have is if there is a relatively easy way to check if an area in world is either empty. I have an item that builds a structure. At the moment anywhere a block is placed it replaces whatever was there. I would like it to only run the block placement code if the region for the final structure is either completely empty or only contains blocks that are replaceable (I.e grass, snow, etc.). Is this possible or do I need to check before every block placement?
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