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Everything posted by Tirangod

  1. thanks, if i use armour, is there other way?
  2. no=) I am clicking an air. My idea is create mod that adding power to player and when player will click blocks which located on some distance to the player will destroyed
  3. for example, how can i get on mouse left click method and so on
  4. So, i need edit player propetries, like speed, max health and etc, without using armour, blocks and items. For example using cmd.
  5. Thanks, you really help me. But you dont know where i can find desc to some methods which havent names.Also, you mean javadocs or forge docs
  6. About minecraft and forge,in javadocs?are you sure?
  7. Yes, but i am beginner and i need to find information like documentation about forge and minecraft, where will be all method that i can override...
  8. where did you find out about it ?
  9. Where i can find list of all forge and minecraft methods that i can override? Because i cant find these methods and i dont know how and where in the code i should use them. Please HELP. Thank you!!!
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