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Everything posted by Oninaig

  1. I have a FakePlayer class that extends EntityPlayer (so by definition, FakePlayer is also an EntityPlayer). For packet handling I am trying to cast FakePlayer as a EntityClientPlayerMP as such: Side side = FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide(); if(side == Side.SERVER) { //We are on the server side EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP)thePlayer; } else if(side == Side.CLIENT) { EntityClientPlayerMP player = (EntityClientPlayerMP) thePlayer; player.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(packet); } else{ //Error! } where thePlayer is the FakePlayer object. This throws the following error: onicraft.FakePlayer cannot be cast to net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityClientPlayerMP Any ideas?
  2. Where exactly would you put that code?
  3. I have looked at buildcraft and he too uses setBlockwithNotify to replace blocks with air blocks once they are mined. My issue is that when I do the same thing the blocks do get replaced but I cant walk into the new 'air' blocks without being pushed back away from them as if they are still solid blocks.
  4. I am currently working on a block that will act as a quarry. However, I am currently stuck on how to actually target a specific block in the world for destruction. I have tried world.setBlockWithNotify(x,y,z,0) but after the blocks were destroyed I could not run into the area as I kept hitting an invisible wall of blocks (the new 'air' blocks i guess?). Any ideas?
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