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Everything posted by cherrylime

  1. I just don't know what class I should extend or what I should do. This is not a problem with not knowing java, it's just not knowing forge, which is what this forum is about.
  2. How would i make a falling block out of this block class? I have tried extending FallingBlock instead of BlockBase, but then the super(name, material) gets messed up. Here is my block class: Thanks in advance!
  3. Sorry, they aren't showing up in my reply screen, only in my post screen. I'm new to forge forums
  4. Here is the FireGen code: package com.cherrylime.minecraftimproved.gen; import java.util.Random; import com.cherrylime.minecraftimproved.blocks.BlockBase; import com.cherrylime.minecraftimproved.init.ModBlocks; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.IChunkProvider; import net.minecraft.world.gen.IChunkGenerator; import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenMinable; import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenerator; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.IWorldGenerator; public class FireOreGen implements IWorldGenerator { private WorldGenerator fire_ore; public FireOreGen() { fire_ore = new WorldGenMinable(ModBlocks.FIRE_ORE.getDefaultState(), 9); } @Override public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world, IChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider) { switch(world.provider.getDimension()) { case 0: runGenerator(fire_ore, world, random, chunkX, chunkZ, 10, 0, 50); break; case 1: break; case -1: break; } } private void runGenerator(WorldGenerator gen, World world, Random rand, int chunkX, int chunkZ, int chance, int minHeight, int maxHeight) { if(minHeight > maxHeight || minHeight < 0 || maxHeight > 256) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ore generated off limits"); int heightDiff = maxHeight - minHeight + 1; for(int i = 0; i < chance; i++) { int x = chunkX * 16 + rand.nextInt(16); int y = minHeight + rand.nextInt(heightDiff); int z = chunkZ * 16 + rand.nextInt(16); gen.generate(world, rand, new BlockPos(x, y, z)); } } } And here is the WaterGen code: package com.cherrylime.minecraftimproved.gen; import java.util.Random; import com.cherrylime.minecraftimproved.blocks.BlockBase; import com.cherrylime.minecraftimproved.init.ModBlocks; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.IChunkProvider; import net.minecraft.world.gen.IChunkGenerator; import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenMinable; import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenerator; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.IWorldGenerator; public class WaterOreGen implements IWorldGenerator { private WorldGenerator water_ore; public WaterOreGen() { water_ore = new WorldGenMinable(ModBlocks.WATER_ORE.getDefaultState(), 9); } @Override public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world, IChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider) { switch(world.provider.getDimension()) { case 0: runGenerator(water_ore, world, random, chunkX, chunkZ, 10, 0, 50); break; case 1: break; case -1: break; } } private void runGenerator(WorldGenerator gen, World world, Random rand, int chunkX, int chunkZ, int chance, int minHeight, int maxHeight) { if(minHeight > maxHeight || minHeight < 0 || maxHeight > 256) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ore generated off limits"); int heightDiff = maxHeight - minHeight + 1; for(int i = 0; i < chance; i++) { int x = chunkX * 16 + rand.nextInt(16); int y = minHeight + rand.nextInt(heightDiff); int z = chunkZ * 16 + rand.nextInt(16); gen.generate(world, rand, new BlockPos(x, y, z)); } } }
  5. In my main mod file with my ore generation order, this is what the code looks like. @EventHandler public static void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) { GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(new FireOreGen(), 0); GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(new WaterOreGen(), 0); } The problem is, only the WaterOreGen works. When i put the FireOreGen line after the WaterOreGen line, only the FireOreGen works. Am I supposed to somehow generate multiple types of ores in one Generator? Or am I doing something wrong in my main mod file? Thanks in advance!
  6. When I am creating a new world in the Eclipse client, it gets stuck on Loading World, Building Terrain. I have two ores that should be generating in my world. Is the problem happening because the two ores have the same chance? Thanks in advance!
  7. I have changed my code to this: { "type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped", "pattern": [ " A ", "ASA", " A " ], "key": { "S": { "item": "minecraft:bone" }, "A": { "item": "minecraft:cooked_beef" } } "result": { "item": "im:pet_treat", "data": 0 } } However no result shows up. Do I need to register this crafting recipe on a different class or interface?
  8. I'm sorry, I don't know much about modding. How do I do that?
  9. I changed the code to this to make the JSON valid, but it still is not working in the game. { "type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped", "pattern": [ " A ", "ASA", " A " ], "key": { "S": { "item": "minecraft:bone" }, "A": { "item": "minecraft:cooked_beef" }, "result": { "item": "im:pet_treat", "data": 0 } } }
  10. Here is my new code. It still does not work. Do I have to do anything to register the crafting recipe? { "type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped", "pattern": [ " A ", "ASA", " A " ], "key": { "S": { "item": "minecraft:bone" }, "A": [ { "item": "minecraft:cooked_beef" }, ] }, "result": { "item": "im:pet_treat", "data": 0 } }
  11. When I Run the client, and put the items in the correct order in the crafting table, nothing comes out at all! Here is my json file: { "type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped", "pattern": [ " A ", "ASA", " A " ], "key": { "S": { "item": "minecraft:bone" }, "A": [ { "item": "minecraft:cooked_beef" }, ] }, "result": { "item": "im:pet_treat" } } im:pet_treat is an item id in the game. I tested this with other items and blocks and even changed the result but it still didn't work. Can anyone help?
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