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  1. I kinda am giving up on this forum thing. I think the people that run this whole Forge thing cant help me because I dont have the logs they want nor do I have any idea on how to get those logs to appear. Which is a HUGE bummer because I really want to use the mods that I have, but i guess now I cant. If the 800 people that have looked at this so far and have an idea on how they think they can fix it... please dm me on discord. PurePink03#6123
  2. So every slash has to be this? \ That doesnt really make any sense but ok
  3. I tried to extract but it gave me an error that says I am unable to access the file
  4. I just changed it to a note pad thingy Here's what the inside looks like https://gist.github.com/PurePink03/e262275461ab5d517d6b1033736a8679
  5. Ok if I open up my versions folder and go to my forge file folder.... is the only thing in there supposed to be a word doc?
  6. I just deleted the launcher and re-installed minecraft
  7. I think I found the installer log after downloading forge for the millionth time https://gist.github.com/PurePink03/d47713cd8323c41458f238dde2dd31d7
  8. I dont have that log. I would never delete logs I dont have a reason on why I would. Besides I have re-downloaded forge multiple times wouldn't the forge log come with it?
  9. I just ran forge while also looking at its log on the official launcher and got this https://gist.github.com/PurePink03/f8482882b2158decb30f0fe22e103e74
  10. I was running forge on my other launcher while looking at its log and this popped up java.io.IOException: 1 file(s) could not be downloaded at com.skcraft.launcher.install.HttpDownloader.execute(HttpDownloader.java:139) at com.skcraft.launcher.install.Installer.download(Installer.java:46) at com.skcraft.launcher.update.Updater.update(Updater.java:178) at com.skcraft.launcher.update.Updater.call(Updater.java:95) at com.skcraft.launcher.update.Updater.call(Updater.java:38) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  11. I highly doubt this will get resolved because I dont have the logs you guys need to figure this out. Forge has worked fine until last Thursday (8/2/2018). I just want to be able to use my mods.
  12. I found installer logs but I'm pretty sure they are not from minecraft/forge... the forge files are not downloading properly because the place they are trying to download from doesn't exist. I checked my whole pc for a forge installer log and came up with nothing.
  13. Could you send a link to what forge you want me to download? Just so I can see if it works.
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