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Everything posted by DiamondMiner88

  1. Nvm just post the whole log please.
  2. Whole latest.log please! And in a spoiler this time
  3. Go to C:/Users/ethan/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/logs/ Open the latest.log, COPY THE WHOLE THING, then go to the forum and make a post, PASTING THE TEXT IN THE POST. Then do the same for the debug.log in a separate post. Also what mods do you have installed? Please list them
  4. Right, What does that mean?
  5. What mods do you have installed along with what version of them? Also try using a different version of Optifine or removing it like @loordgek said, If that doesn't solve it, Remove Forge AND 1.12.2 MC (Removing the 1.12.2 folder from %appdata%/.minecraft/versionsIf you are on Windows) And reinstalling forge and 1.12.2 again.
  6. [23:33:35] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft That is not the issue here, that's a warning. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: codechicken/lib/asm/ASMInit Thats the issue here. Try using a different version of CodechickenLib.
  7. Every time you launch Minecraft, the latest.log gets replaced with a new one. Please post latest.log again. native.log is the log from the Launcher application, debug.log and latest.log are Minecraft logs.
  8. Full latest.log please! If the log is too big for forum, please use A Gist or a Pastebin paste.
  9. Worked thanks! Btw is there a way to disable the animation on the fluid when its in the bucket?
  10. Oops i accidently removed that while adjusting. Now when i get out of the fluid i cant see anything. I already set the fog density to be small when not in the liquid.
  11. Did you mean Show or Whow? Heres my code:
  12. Nope, didn't do anything.
  13. I have done this in my density hook but it appears to have done nothing GlStateManager.setFog(GlStateManager.FogMode.EXP); I haven't finished the flow texture so i just set it to be white, here's how it looks:
  14. The font on this forum made me think that was a uppercase i not a lowercase L. Oops. Its GlStateManager.setFog(FogMode mode) Its it FogMode.EXP or FogMode.EXP2
  15. Assuming GlStateManager is a class, I can't find it. Doesen't show an option to import it. Im using IntelliJ
  16. What does that mean? How do i do that? Density Hook? Whats that?
  17. Ok Fixed that. Didn't know they had a difference. When I'm in the liquid now this happens: The clouds and horizon is the color i want to be, but blocks appear to be the same color, no difference.
  18. Ok That fixed it. My other event subscriptions are static, didn't notice that. Now the problem is that the color is not working. How it looks when I'm not in the fluid: When i am in the fluid: What i have done now:
  19. Tried that in both Events returned nothing in console, Im going to try LOGGER.debug instead.
  20. No, how do i do that? I placed them in my ClientEventSubscriber
  21. I cannot get the Fog color to work; along with the density. I looked at other posts, tutorials, and GitHub Repository-s but still have no idea why this won't work. @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, receiveCanceled = true) public void onFogDensityEvent(EntityViewRenderEvent.FogDensity event) { event.setDensity(0.0001F); if (event.getEntity().isInsideOfMaterial(ModMaterials.MOLTEN_GLASS)) event.setDensity(1F); } @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, receiveCanceled = true) public void onFogColorsEvent(EntityViewRenderEvent.FogColors event) { if (event.getEntity().isInsideOfMaterial(ModMaterials.MOLTEN_GLASS)) { event.setRed(COLOR_MOLTEN_GLASS.getRed()); event.setGreen(COLOR_MOLTEN_GLASS.getGreen()); event.setBlue(COLOR_MOLTEN_GLASS.getBlue()); } } private static final Color COLOR_MOLTEN_GLASS = new Color(251, 143, 70);
  22. Sorry, i copied it off a tutorial, and is there a way to have it in a separate class? Because i want it to be organized what i did is make in a separate class and register it like i did with the others. What if you want to make the fluid not push the player, but also damage it on contact and color the screen when in / under the fluid; also enabling the air bar near the inventory slots? Did i register the Fluid correctly? EDIT: As i understand you don't need to register materials like blocks. I pieced together stuff and it apparently works.
  23. Like this? public static final Block MOLTEN_GLASS_BLACK = new BlockFluidClassic(ModFluids.FLUID_MOLTEN_GLASS_BLACK, ModMaterials.MOLTEN_GLASS); public static final Material MOLTEN_GLASS = new MaterialLiquid(MapColor.GREEN_STAINED_HARDENED_CLAY);
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