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Posts posted by MrChoke

  1. I am brand new to modding Minecraft.  I plan on doing only entity stuff like modding the AI for example.  Unfortunately the forge docs are VERY lacking right now on how to really do much.  It doesn't even have an entity section.  Before I dive into hours of code review, debugging and running tests, can someone tell me real quick if we can mod existing behavior?  I even have an exact example:


    Take EntityLiving.java, method:

    protected void despawnEntity()


    This is the code that despawns entities if they are too far from the player.  How can I change this behavior to make the despawn rules different?  It is easy right?  Any quick pointers?



  2. Ok, I think I got the source now.  I see it in forgeSource.jar under



    Please let me know if that is not correct.  And YES, I intend only to view it to learn how to mod, never will I copy it. 


    One last question, my IntelliJ is complaining with this error:


    Unindexed remote maven repositories found. Disable...
                        The following repositories used in your gradle projects were not indexed yet: 


    Not sure where that is coming from...  Is it safe to just disable this like it says I can do?



  3. 13 minutes ago, DaemonUmbra said:

    The source is in the forgeSrc package you can browse using your IDE, under external libraries.

    Reminder: You are not allowed to distribute this package.

    Sorry, I am not finding this folder anywhere.  I downloaded the windows installer of forge.  It create some files and folder in in my .minecraft folder.  It also added the Forge profile that I can see in the launcher.  The MDK file was a zip file.  All I got in there is an examplemod.java file.  That's it.


    As far as IDEs go, I intend to use IntelliJ but I didn't open it yet.  Will it somehow auto-download this folder?


  4. I am brand new modding Minecraft but not new at all to java development.  However, I must be missing something in how to get started.  I downloaded the Forge installer and the forge MDK.  I started reading what little doco it has on how to mod a few things.  But NOWHERE does it explain what the game's existing structure is.  Nowhere am I finding existing code to view so I can begin to understand how to mod anything.  Am I missing a download somewhere?  We get to to see the de-obfuscated source somehow right???




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