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Spaceboy Ross

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Everything posted by Spaceboy Ross

  1. JAR creation failed. See details for additional information. Resource is out of sync with the file system: '/MS Gundam Mod/eclipse/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workingsets.xml'. Resource is out of sync with the file system: '/MS Gundam Mod/eclipse/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workingsets.xml'.
  2. I've attached the entity code. How do I make my code work so that the player can control it. public float scale = 1.0f; private EntityPlayer pilot; public int armamentLeftHand = -1; public int armamentRightHand = -1; private boolean leftInputDown = false; private boolean rightInputDown = false; private boolean forwardInputDown = false; private boolean backInputDown = false; public MSMob(World worldIn) { super(worldIn); this.heal(Float.MAX_VALUE); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void updateInputs(boolean p_184442_1_,boolean p_184442_2_,boolean p_184442_3_,boolean p_184442_4_) { this.leftInputDown = p_184442_1_; this.rightInputDown = p_184442_2_; this.forwardInputDown = p_184442_3_; this.backInputDown = p_184442_4_; System.out.println(this.backInputDown); } private void control() { if(this.isBeingRidden()) { float f = 0.0F; if(this.rightInputDown != this.leftInputDown && !this.forwardInputDown && !this.backInputDown) f += 0.005F; if(this.forwardInputDown) f += 0.04F; if(this.backInputDown) f -= 0.005F; this.motionX += (double)f; this.motionZ += (double)f; } } @Override public boolean canPassengerSteer() { return true; } @Override public boolean canBreatheUnderwater() { return true; } @Override public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound root) { root = super.writeToNBT(root); NBTTagCompound ms = new NBTTagCompound(); ms.setInteger("armamentLeftHand",this.armamentLeftHand); ms.setInteger("armamentRightHand",this.armamentRightHand); NBTTagList armaments = new NBTTagList(); for(int i = 0;i < this.getMSRegistryEntry().getArmamentCount();i++) { MobileSuitArmament armament = this.getMSRegistryEntry().getArmament(i); armaments.appendTag(armament.saveNBT()); } ms.setTag("armaments",armaments); root.setTag("mobileSuit",ms); return root; } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound root) { super.readFromNBT(root); if(root.hasKey("mobileSuit")) { NBTTagCompound ms = root.getCompoundTag("mobileSuit"); this.armamentLeftHand = ms.getInteger("armamentLeftHand"); this.armamentRightHand = ms.getInteger("armamentRightHand"); if(ms.hasKey("armaments")) { NBTTagList armaments = ms.getTagList("armaments",10); for(int i = 0;i < armaments.tagCount();i++) { MobileSuitArmament armament = this.getMSRegistryEntry().getArmament(i); armament.loadNBT(armaments.getCompoundTagAt(i)); } } } } @Override public boolean processInteract(EntityPlayer player,EnumHand hand) { if(player.inventory.getStackInSlot(player.inventory.currentItem).getItem().getUnlocalizedName().equals("item."+GundamMod.MODID+".wrench")) { // TODO: show customization interface } else { if(this.pilot != null) return false; this.pilot = player; this.pilot.startRiding(this); IHumanCapability human = Human.getHuman(this.pilot); human.setMS(this); if(this.pilot.world.isRemote) Minecraft.getMinecraft().setRenderViewEntity(this); } return true; } @Override public void onUpdate() { super.onUpdate(); this.control(); this.move(MoverType.SELF,this.motionX,this.motionY,this.motionZ); } public EntityPlayer getPilot() { return this.pilot; } public MobileSuit getMSRegistryEntry() { return MSRegistry.getMobileSuit(this.getName()); } @Override public boolean canRiderInteract() { return true; } @Override public boolean canBeSteered() { return true; } private void updateRiderPosition(Entity entity) { if(entity != null) { entity.setPosition(this.posX,this.posY+(getMountedYOffset()+entity.getYOffset())/2,this.posZ); } } @Override public void updatePassenger(Entity passenger) { this.updateRiderPosition(passenger); passenger.setInvisible(true); this.rotationPitch = passenger.rotationPitch; this.rotationYaw = passenger.rotationYaw; this.motionX = passenger.motionX; this.motionY = passenger.motionY; this.motionZ = passenger.motionZ; } @Override public void removePassenger(Entity passenger) { if(passenger != null) passenger.setPosition(this.posX,this.posY,this.posZ); super.removePassenger(passenger); passenger.setInvisible(false); if(passenger instanceof EntityPlayer) { IHumanCapability human = Human.getHuman((EntityPlayer)passenger); human.setMS(null); this.pilot = null; human.syncToServer(); Minecraft.getMinecraft().setRenderViewEntity(passenger); } }
  3. I'm trying to get it so that the movement keys control the movement of my custom entity, I already looked at the boat and pig code but I couldn't get it to work.
  4. I've got it working now, I just need to figure out how to get the movement working.
  5. I only need to be able to control the entity and see what the entity sees on the screen.
  6. Can I please have a snippet of the code I need? I can't figure out how to get it to work.
  7. I'm trying to add custom music discs into my mod for Minecraft 1.12, I've searched Google and I couldn't find anything useful.
  8. It's a custom model with the OBJLoader. And I don't know how to upload every vertex to the BufferBuilder, could you please show an example?
  9. This is what I'm doing now, I like having it this way. And in combination with this other one, I can make a cool looking cockpit.
  10. I'm trying to get what the entity the player is riding sees and render it on screen.
  11. So, from what I can tell is your hardware isn't good enough to run it. I looked through old forum posts and that's what I concluded based on what other people have said before.
  12. I'm trying to render a .obj model onto the screen, I've already gotten it to load. How do I do the rendering portion?
  13. I'm not going to override the player rendering, going to try something else.
  14. It already has a player design, the skin works when it's rendering the entity instead of overriding the player model.
  15. Are you sure you didn't tell it to give you two?
  16. It should look something like this. Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager().getAllResources(new ResourceLocation(MODID,"dir.subdir")); You cannot access it like a path, you have to access it like a package.
  17. onDroppedByPlayer is the function that you're actually looking for.
  18. I believe that there's an onTileDrop function.
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