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Everything posted by Wolfieskies25

  1. That worked!! Deleted the entire config folder and it finally opened up no problem! Thank you for the help ^^ I'll keep this in mind if it gets this error again.
  2. Didn't work. Tried that twice now. Gives the same error: Here's this attempt's crash report in case it's needed. https://pastebin.com/c4NSEfBf
  3. - Forge version 28.1.0 - MC version 1.14.4 - Crash occurs when "rendering overlay", seconds after starting up the launcher. As the title suggests, my MC keeps crashing seconds after I start the game on the "rendering overlay" step, with the error below. This is confusing to me, as if this error means there isn't enough GB/ram for MC to run, I had plenty of ram available, set at 7 GB. I only have four mods installed: Xaero's world and mini map, useful backpacks and uteam core for the backpacks mod. I had to factory reset my computer recently due to a bluescreening issue, and ever since reinstalling MC (Which I saved my .minecraft folder to my google drive as to not lose my saves, if that can be a reason for this crashing.), I suddenly have these problems. I tried reinstalling MC and forge, didn't work. I tried deleting and reinstalling my mods from the curse forge site and deleting the fml.toml file or whatever it was called, didn't work either. I am at a loss for words as to what is going on, I can't figure it out. Thus, I gave up and am turning to the bug reports site for help. Hopefully this can get resolved soon. Here is the pastebin for the crash report. https://pastebin.com/7YG9zVJJ Thanks ahead of time!
  4. Oh dang, I didn't know about that until now. Thank you very much for telling me, I'll definitely stop visiting and downloading from that site.
  5. Alright, I'll start working on that now. In the meantime, for clarification, I get all my mods from 9minecraft, so that is a thirdparty site? Edit: Downloaded the mods again through curseforge, but I can't find a config/fml.toml? I used a full computer search for it too, nothing showed up. Edit2: Nvm, found it and deleted it, and IT WORKED! It finally launched just fine! Thank you so much, you guys are a life saver.
  6. Oh man I looked and noticed that too now, that's definitely not right: on my MC launcher it says I am running 28.0.55! I am getting the downloads from the official site, here https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.14.4.html Edit: I looked in the libraries folder of MC and found a stray .45 file. However, I deleted it, and it STILL crashes, even though it's saying it's the latest version on the top lines. Now I'm really getting concerned. https://pastebin.com/EL1tCB0p
  7. If you mean version 28.0.55, that is the exact version I am using, and I see no other Latest versions on the download site.
  8. I haven't touched the game in a while other than my brother playing it, but today, he came to me telling it was suddenly having a crashing issue. When I tried it for myself, this is the error I got: "ERROR Game crashed An unexpected issue occurred and the game has crashed. We’re sorry for the inconvenience." I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the latest 1.14.4 version of Forge via the installer to see if that would fix it, but it didn't work. Next, i removed all the mods from my mods folder to see if a mod was conflicting, but even with no mods in the folder, it continued to crash. All mods match the game version, and gave me no trouble until now. The mods I am using are: And here is the link to the paste I made of the error I get in my logs: https://pastebin.com/08HFdyg3 I browsed a few pages of the bug reports as well as on youtube in hopes of finding a fix, but no luck. I have not yet tried reinstalling minecraft, and I'd really rather try not to if I can help it as to not lose my worlds. Help???
  9. Tried removing Ad. Structures, and I've been going for five mins now, no crash! Thanks for the help!
  10. So I am playing on Minecraft with a bunch of mods, but I think one of my recent mods is screwing with my game T_T After a few seconds, about 5 to 25 seconds, the game just.. freezes then crashes. I am unable to find which mod is crashing the game, and am desperate to fix this. I am using the most recent version of Forge if that info is needed. Please help, thanks! Here is the crash report Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
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