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Everything posted by SuperShotDK

  1. Hello World ? Hey, i'm trying to run some custom modpackm Enigmatica 2 and Direwolf20 pack and I've tried dedicating up to 9 gigs of ram at times, My tickrate changes all the time and wont ever go to 20, I cant play modded minecraft because of this and it feels Terrible because I love playing modded minecraft. SPECS: Ryzen 1600 overclocked to 3.8 Ghz Stable ASUS ROG GeForce GTX 1070 Corsair Vengence 16 GB RAM
  2. It helps a little bit but there is still a big amout of micro stutters and normal stutters
  3. Could it help to install Minecraft on My HDD because the SSD is almost full?
  4. I have Java 8 build 1.8.0_181-b13
  5. Yeah that didn't do it, Any other ideas, because im out of ideas at this point, Java maybe?
  6. The installed Java is build 1.8.0_181-b13
  7. Plus there is a lot of micro stutters
  8. Normally play with 20 chunks
  9. Because when I set the RAM to 9 gigs of RAM it turns it down to 8 gigs ingame
  10. Or maby something to do with Java, And it is 64-bit
  11. Any programs that could do this to Minecraft because every other game is running fine. Just want to play the game and have fun, Any ideas, And thank you very much for your help this far
  12. But again if I play on one of my own custom servers it run fine. And again I have a Ryzen 1600 With 6 cores and 12 threads clocked at 3.8 ghz, 16 gigs of RAM and a GTX 1070, then there shouldn't be a problem but there is, do you have any idea why this is?
  13. It helps with the tps but not the sluggishness
  14. Well just saw the overall thats is Okay isn't it....... But why is my FPS Weird???
  15. Tried with about 4 Gigs of RAM and then Tried with 11 Gigs didn't help
  16. It is a very newly created world where I loaded up and tried running the game, I just loaded some chunks to see if it the perfomence got better but nothing happened but I havent tried the RAM thing yet because I have a big class assignment
  17. The Ryzen 1600 is a 6 core 12 thread processor overclocked to 3.8 ghz so the CPU doesn't seam like is the problem
  18. My tickrate is at 16 ticks......... Can you help me?
  19. Hello World ? Trying to play a Custom Mod pack and FTB DireWolf20 Mod pack both of them I dedicated 8gb of ram of my 16 Gb of RAM SPECS: Ryzen 1600 ASUS ROG GeForce GTX 1070 Corsair Vengence 16 GB RAM + ADATA SSD My modded Minecraft is running very sluggish when i make a world on my PC but when i make a forge server for myself i runs a heck of a lot faster, the FPS counter says 48-78 fps but feels like and feels worse than 48 FPS, servers are more stabile and runs better than 78 fps.... These numbers are from DireWolf20 pack 1.12.2 Can anyone help me
  20. It Works Thank you so much and sorry for the trouble ?
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