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Everything posted by DavidM

  1. I am trying to create a mirror block that reflects the world (display the reflection of the world). Just like a mirror in real-life, I would like the field of view of the mirror change based on the player’s position (i.e. if the player stands close to the left side of the mirror, he/she will see more of the right side reflected in the mirror). How should I approach this?
  2. Mowziesmobs is broken. Remove it and report to its author.
  3. Modders don’t usually zip their .jar mod files in a zip. I’m suspecting that OP downloaded an outdated mod or downloaded from a repost site. @asdfghjkl; Mods do not come in zip files nowadays. Please make sure you only download your mods from CurseForge or the official site of that mod.
  4. I am trying to make a camera-like block. There is a camera block and a screen block. I would like to place the camera block and the screen block in different location, and let the screen block render what the camera sees in the direction the camera is pointing. I would like the camera block to display the view in first person, as if it is what a player sees at the position of the camera. What would be the best way to achieve this? Answers regarding 1.12/1.13 are also welcomed, but 1.14 is more preferable .
  5. Can you post your code as a GitHub repo? For some reason the hastebin link is empty (at least on my device).
  6. BetterHUD is a client-only mod. Do not install it on the server.
  7. Thank you. Define "doesn't work" and post the exact error the installer gives you. Also include the installer log generated in the same directory of you installer.
  8. There are 25 tile entity registries, 95 entity registries, 34 enchantment registries, 30 potion registries, 662 sound event registries, 168 biome registries, 790 item registries, 598 block registries, over 1000 model related registry, and various ASM events and the drawing of the main menu, let along other potential problems. All of this happens during the loading screen. Without your accurate debug.log, you could have a problem in any of the above events, which to you as the end user might all sound like "stuck on the loading screen", but are actually very different, and require very different solutions. Therefore, the chance of you having a different problem is statistically over 99%, and solving 2 different problems in a single forum thread can lead to confusion, which is why the forum rule states "do not hijack threads; please make your own thread". So please make your own thread and provide the appropriate log(s) as requested in the EAQ. @lavadrop Your debug.log indicates no obvious errors. How long have you waited before force quitting Minecraft? What version of Forge are you using?
  9. The class path in your @SidedProxy annotation does not match the path of your proxy. Enter the correct path of your proxy to fix the error.
  10. No you don't (with 99% confidence). Please make your own thread.
  11. Please read the EAQ and post the appropriate log(s).
  12. There is an installer.
  13. Please post the installer log that is generated in the same directory as the installer.
  14. Please read the EAQ and post the appropriate log(s). P.S. This should not be in the "Modder Support" subform
  15. Your model registering code is not in your event subscriber for the ModelRegistryEvent, thus your code is not being called at all. You need an event subscriber for the ModelRegistryEvent in your event subscriber bus (the CommonProxy in your case). A typical event subscriber looks like this: @SubscribeEvent public static void someEventSubscriber(EventClass event) { // ... }
  16. Please post your log. No longer needed. 1. Using your proxy as the event subscriber is a bad practice, as the one and only purpose is to run code on one dedicated side. Consider using another class for item/block registration instead of the proxies. 2. (Main issue) You have to subscribe to the ModelRegistryEvent and register your items there. An example would be ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(yourItem, metadata, new ModelResourceLocation(yourItem.getRegistryName(), "inventory"));
  17. That is the only solution. The so-called "300 mods" add less item/block than your 200 mods, thus not causing the id to be over 4096.
  18. You have too much mods. Remove some.
  19. Post the crash log/information/logs.
  20. https://github.com/Tfarcenim/Extra-Anvils/issues/15#issuecomment-509888840 Oops. @Derfey I guess you should ditch that mod then.
  21. That's probably an internet problem. Try again a while later or try with a VPN.
  22. In 1.13 (as OP specified), the GuiContainer class is at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer. There might be a mapping change that changed the name of the class, but I don't think there is one concerning 1.13.
  23. Forge's Mojang's "deprecated" means that modders should not call the method. Overriding it, however, is fine (as stated in the Javadoc of such methods).
  24. No. The class still exists in 1.13. The name of the class didn't even change from 1.12 in 1.13. Use your IDE to find the GuiContainer class and use it to create your GUI.
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