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Everything posted by devguydan

  1. One thing I am noticing in other code that I don't have is ModelRegistryEvent and ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation() Is this the step I am missing? I cannot find anything about registering models or setting the resource location in the docs. Are there more in-depth docs somewhere? Or do I need to start diving into source code and reading comments?
  2. And it would be nice to learn (along the same lines) how to modify the hardnes/other properties of existing blocks. Say for example, make dirt hard as obsidian.
  3. Makes sense. I'm just so far from that rn. I want to register and see an [unrendered] block. And I want to do it at a VERY basic level. I don't want to extend the Block class or anything. The docs make it seem this is very possible, so idk what step in this I am missing. This is what I expect to see:
  4. pushed Where is that unique id used? The resources and textures? I can't even get it to tell me it can't find the resources
  5. What exactly does the registryName do for us? I have read that page 5+ times and it doesn't really say why. But I did it and I registered an ItemBlock with it. Still not working I know I could get this working if I followed all these examples with external classes, but the docs very clearly say that is not necessary for the basics. And I want to be able to understand what is going on at a lower level before moving into more abstract designs.
  6. I am working my way through the docs and I find this: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/blocks/blocks/#basic-blocks I think this is a great place to start and so I decide I want to create a rock-type class that breaks easily. Simple enough right? Well not for me rn. I start with a base project: https://github.com/djpeach/ExampleMod/tree/baseStructure I start trying to work with what I can figure out and try: @SubscribeEvent public static void addBlocks(RegistryEvent.Register<Block> event) { Block myRock = new Block(Material.ROCK); myRock.setHardness(0.1f); event.getRegistry().register(myRock); } I guess perhaps this is registering, but I cannot see it in my creative tabs so I try: myRock.setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.MATERIALS); Still nothing. I don't know quite what to try next. My gut tells me it has something to do with registries, which is where I am most confused. I figure it might have to do with https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/registries/#creating-registries, more specifically the ObjectHolder stuff. I can't seem to work out its purpose however. If someone could nudge me down the right path here, that would be great. Going to move on to Items for now. Hopefully they are easier
  7. Wondering if anyone has used, or has an opinion on the IntelliJ Minecraft Development Plugin: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8327-minecraft-development I am new and used for my first couple demo mods. It is nice that it handles a lot for me, but in the long run what do you guys recommend? DYI or try to use a 3rd party tool with hopefully better practices than I know of? Edit: Ok in addition to this, it looks like I will continue to be using the plugin. I tried using the methods described in the docs with IntelliJ, and cannot get it to work. Either it fails to generate the IntelliJ runs (terminal methods) or it fails to build and run the client. However, by using the plugin, everything seems to get configured correctly. Is there something I am missing?
  8. Oh that is a very good resource, and yeah I updated my question after reading your last post.
  9. Ok great so literally the two guys I started watching are the wrong ones. of course. Also, very curious why CommonProxy and IHasModel are bad practice (other than the Hungarian notation there). That is straight from loremaster, and wondering why this is bad practice. Nevermind, I kept reading. Although from a design patterns perspective I very much agree with a HasModel Interface. And very much disagree with using a CommonProxy lol. You can separate and declutter your main file in much better ways that breaking the purpose of a structure. I am new to mc modding as well. (as of today) I am a professional developer, and want to get my younger brother into coding as well, and I thought a good way to do that would be to teach him how to write his own mc mods. So I need to learn this quickly. I am only focussing on 1.12, not 1.13. Any good text tutorials would be great, as well as any 1.12 mods (github links) with good practices so I can review them.
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