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Everything posted by raverdave2k

  1. Sooooo, this is a might awkward. I added the import line manually as you suggested and it underlined with the error "The import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Config conflicts with a type defined in the same file". After staring at it for a moment I suddenly realised maybe it didn't like my config class being called "Config", sure enough a quick rename and the annotation immediately imported ? So thanks for the response, while not quite how intended it still solved the problem.
  2. Forge version: 1.12.2-14.23-5.2768 Hi, Having recently wrote a little mod and gotten it all working I am now ready to move the config options to an external file rather than being hard coded. The documentation I have found for this relates to adding the @Config annotation to my config class, however when I type that annotation on my class in Eclipse it's underlined red and when I however over it, Eclipse shows "Config is not an annotation type" and shows no import options as there have been with the other annotations I've used. Any ideas how to get this working? Cheers Dave
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