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Everything posted by ducsuus

  1. The problem is that the back side is NOT invisible. I mean the transparency on the front side means that the graphics engine will try to render the back too -- I think even with culling it would decide that it should be rendered. I'm not expert on this, just thinking that a good graphics engine would try to do that. Well, it is good to be picky, but I'm not sure it would look that bad -- I'm suggesting to just remove the lattice between the panes in the window on the back side. There would still be the lattice on the other side which people would see from the back (indeed that is your current problem from the front). Anyway, someone that is good with the rendering may know a better way to do client-side disabling. However, a block is different than an entity because blocks have a regular model and so the idea of sides is well-defined whereas generally entities have all sorts of moving pieces and so I don't think there is a general solution. One other idea is to swap the texture depending on what side of the entity is facing the player running the client. That would take a little bit of coding, but shouldn't be too hard. So you could use a texture with the back transparent if the front is facing player, and use a texture with the front transparent if the back is facing the player. In fact, I think it would be easier (possible more efficient?) to just create a model which is made of 6 cubes shaped like a door, that way the "inside" sides of the cubes could be textured to be transparent. The only problem I could see, is Techne seems to have a bug when texturing objects - if I have two cubes in Techne, they will use the same coordinates on the texture map meaning I can't have individual textures Please not it is completely possible that this is not a bug and is me being a derp; I don't have to time to conduct proper research right now I think that the reason blocks have this feature and entities do not is because entities are more subject to moving around and exposing the "invisible" sides. Blocks don't turn around, the only way the invisible sides can be rendered is for the player to move around the block. This may be the way I have to go, but it seems a bit sloppy? I would need 6 textures, which seems a bit stupid Why? The door has 6 sides, therefore there are 6 possible combinations of the 3 sides the player can see, for each one of those combinations there are 3 sides which should be invisible. I certainly don't like the sound of having to: a) make 6 textures for each one of these blocks I am making (more blocks to be like this one) b) use this method - I hate hard coding stuff like this (it's not the nature of programming...). Thanks for both of your replies, I suspect when I get home later today I will have bigger and deeper look at this (hopefully finding some kind of holy grail). ~Joe
  2. But this would make one side look like it has a massive hole in it, surely that's worse? I had hoped there was some option to disable rendering invisible sides.
  3. Hello! Due to my derp nature, I felt the need to make a door mob in-game (literally, a door which walks around and beets the shizz out of you). As many of you may know, you can only ever see up to three sides of a block when you look at it, this means if the block is transparent, you can't see textures from the other side of the block. This is the case for doors as well. Doors have a window in the top part of the block, because of the above rule you can look through the window and never see the other side of the door. Unfortunately, this rule doesn't apply to rendering mobs. Mobs appear to have all sides rendered, meaning if you have create a door and look through the window you will still see the back of the door. An screenshot below I took illustrates this: [/img] Could somebody please explain to me how I would create a mob with the same effect as the door has. I haven't supplied code because I didn't feel it was needed, if code is needed please ask. Thanks! ~Joe
  4. Thank you! Ok, this makes sense to me now, I am still getting my wits about functions and using APIs, I am only use to creating small-non graphical programs. Just wondering, is it essential that I make a server side mod, or would I be able to apply this to my server without a server side mod, this way my friend would be able to see me use it without him having the mod. Right now were having a bit of a contest, who can make the first client side logic to chop down a tree and return it to a chest on flat grass. Thanks for that, ~Joe
  5. Is there any chance you could give me an example of that code in use please? Would I be able to do something like this: int id_block = World.getBlockId(6,50,6); (X6, Y50, Z6) Sorry to be a n00b, I couldn't really get it working like that. Thanks ~Joe
  6. Hello their, before you read the rest of the post please note this is in no way for a hacked client (On other forums people took this question the wrong way); I am interested in making an AI that can solve puzzles (like finding a block, and how to get to it without falling in lava). This will be used on a multiplayer server, but a private server run by me, the server will have no mods, like I said, this is in no way for hacking. Ok, hopefully I won't get banned by a ton of Admins now (), me and my friend enjoy java AI, but were new to it, and forge, so we though this would be the best place to ask questions. What we are trying to achieve is a mod that will walk towards a detected block. The first part we need to learn is how to detect blocks in the first place. Could I please ask for any information/tutorials for how to detect a blocks ID, from a set of coordinates. Say the coordinates X1, Z1, Y50 where given to the client, I think I can detect the players coords and add 1 to X ETC, what I need is to return a variable on what the Data Value of the block is, and if rotated/has subitem ID, what that is (Like 36:2 ETC). If anyone knows how to please tell me. I had a search on the web but my keywords returned nothing of any use, the words Find, block and ID seem to pull up a lot of useless block creating tutorials Thank you very much, sorry if it is a easy answer that I should know ~Joe
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