I attached it to the item by using that event, it keeps crashing though saying that the sound event could be null. I did add a null check, but it still crashes. I'm a bit stumped on what to do
IStaff Class: https://pastebin.com/NZs5dYdX
Default Instance: https://pastebin.com/9cTvw6Kx
Staff Storage: https://pastebin.com/N3UkfU2Y
Staff Provider: https://pastebin.com/eAkDKtGd
Staff Capability: https://pastebin.com/SUuqLJV4
Capability Handler: https://pastebin.com/qvrW6CCU
Alright, so how would I go about about attaching it to my own item? There's an initcapabilites method in the item class that the bucket uses, so I'm assuming that? And how would I set things like soundevent and entity in the item class?
Hello, I'm trying to better understand capabilities and how they work. I see a lot of examples/tutorials for entities and tile entities but not much for itemstacks, at least from what I could find. I'm trying to make an itemstack store an entity and a sound event for my own item, I dunno if I can possibly do that any other way as well. Any where I could look as an example/guide, or just an explanation?
But isn't most rendering, if not all, handled on the client side of things? I tried it out, but it didn't do anything
I tried that, but I just get some interesting results. Nothing to solve the issue
I made an mcmeta file for my png, and I thought that it would work as intended, but that's not the case. I looked at your example and the water one, but I dunno what's wrong with it. I've done this with items before with no issue, so I dunno why it's not working this time around. My image uses 3 frames, so 96 pixels vertically since it uses 32*32 sized sprites. Could that be the issue?
here's the mcmeta file
I was wondering how I should go about making an animated sprite for my projectile, it's just a basic 2D sprite no 3D model or anything like that. I thought it would be as easy as a .mcmeta file, but like usual nope. Anything I could reference? I don't think Minecraft itself has anything I can look at, although I am looking. Any help would be much appreciated