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Everything posted by Babelincoln1809

  1. I keep getting errors with... this.playEquipSound(p_191521_1_); return this.inventory.addItemStackToInventory(p_191521_1_); and I'm not quite sure how to solve it. Also, here is the code https://paste.dimdev.org/agovixased.java
  2. Here's the class. It's xpSwing. https://paste.dimdev.org/zivekozuve.cpp
  3. Yeah, anything I'm doing is not draining the XP. I dunno if it's not recognizing it when I swing or not
  4. I know how to do random int based stuff in basic Java, but not in Forge. Any help?
  5. I've taken a have course this year, I'm just so new to it I guess.
  6. More so when I swing the weapon, it does the removal, and when there's no XP, the weapon can't swing anymore. I really suck at doing multiple methods, like it's the one thing I truly struggle with
  7. A bit confusing on how I can get it to work, but I'm figuring it out. Thank you!
  8. I'm just trying to locate where the XP data stuff is, so when I swing a certain sword, it uses some of the XP up.
  9. Yeah, I saw that. I think I'm gonna restart it entirely cause like it's a mess in my opinion. I still haven't got the durability to work
  10. I'm expecting it to do that thing where the shield will shift a little bit to show that you are blocking, but what I'm actually getting is nothing.
  11. This is the custom shield code, it's basically a copy of the actual shield code but got rid of the stuff for dye and banners. https://paste.dimdev.org/ufevigiyis.java This the interface so the builder knows what to get. https://paste.dimdev.org/peraxusupi.java And this is the ShieldList, so I can just make shields like how you would make tools. https://paste.dimdev.org/jewotoxejo.java
  12. This is the custom shield code, it's basically a copy of the actual shield code but got rid of the stuff for dye and banners. https://paste.dimdev.org/ufevigiyis.java This the interface so the builder knows what to get. https://paste.dimdev.org/peraxusupi.java And this is the ShieldList, so I can just make shields like how you would make tools. https://paste.dimdev.org/jewotoxejo.java
  13. When I place my block, I can see the world below it, like it's translucent. I believe it's an easy fix, but I'm not too sure how to go about it.
  14. I'm trying to make a custom shield builder, like how it is for tools or swords, but I'm having issues getting the durability, and animation to work. I feel like I should restart from scratch, but I'm unsure. Any help? Also, I posted the original one in the wrong topic, oops.
  15. I fixed it, one item had the same item name as another when declaring it
  16. I'm trying to make an abstract builder/material list thing for the shield, so I can create multiple shields efficiently. But an issue I'm having is having the shield take damage, it never breaks. I feel really stumped rn, and think I should scrap it and restart. Any help?
  17. With adding tools into the game, I keep running into this issue. Here's the crash log. I'm not sure if it's the lang or something different completely. https://paste.dimdev.org/cosebawafi.mccrash [Edit] Here's the log as well. I believe it has something to do it the emerald_axe or axe_emerald, but removing that completely just makes it go to the next tool, so I'm not sure. https://paste.dimdev.org/xavizixife.sql
  18. I'm currently making my own mod on a MAC and the version is 1.14.4. Implementing items is fine, all that works, but until I finish coding something else this error keeps happening. First it was when I completed making my blocks, and then it occurred again, after restarting my whole project, when I made a creative tab. Here's the crash list. Any help is much appreciated, I'm trying too look in it myself, but I'm so not sure what it's asking for. https://paste.dimdev.org/acocazegan.mccrash
  19. Anyone know a good mob modeler that is free? I don't like Tabula, and I don't know if block bench allows mob support.
  20. Anyone have or know how to get the current 1.14 textures? Not the textures from the website Mojang offers to you to try out. Like is there any way I can go through the files and copy them? I do a lot of texture work and I would like them to stay true to Minecraft.
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