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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Listening on both client and server seems to have fixed the issue. Thank you very much!
  2. Hi all, I've implemented a double door algorithm that opens neighbor doors based on facing, hinge sides etc. - simple stuff. Currently, I'm using the RightClickBlock event to check if the player is opening a door. Code below: @SubscribeEvent public static void onRightClickBlock(PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock event) { if(event.getSide() == LogicalSide.CLIENT) return; if(event.getWorld().getBlockState(event.getPos()).getBlock() instanceof DoorBlock) { // Logic to open adjacent doors... } } However, the doors don't always open simultaneously - sometimes there's a small delay between opening the two doors, making the process look unclean. Ideally, the doors should open exactly at the same time. Is there a better approach, like a faster event I could listen to? Thanks in advance!
  3. Hello, I'm trying to add a static hanging entity to the game, just like an item frame or a painting (I'm using forge 1.12.2). However, the entity doesn't seem to respond to interactions (e.g. left click to destroy it). Also, it only renders if I look at it from a specific angle (I know that Minecraft doesn't render entities whose hitbox is out of the camera frustum, so the hitbox must be configured wrongly). This happens whether I try to /summon the entity or placing it using a spawn egg-like item I also added. This is how I create & register my entity. The following class which is nested into my main mod class registers the EntityEntry: This method registers the entity renderer in my ClientProxy: This is my EntityPanel class: This is my RenderEntityPanel class which I copied temporarily from Minecraft's item frame: Any ideas what I'm missing here? Help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance, lord_goldi
  4. Hello, I have problems with my 1.10.2 mod rendering custom block overlays when using shaderpacks, which is why I want to start the test environment in Eclipse with OptiFine installed in order to load up shaders & troubleshoot. As far as I know, I can put additional mods into the run/mods directory which will then load up alongside with my mod. However, putting the latest 1.10.2 OptiFine jar into that folder gives me the following error: It seems like there are some classes forge isn't able to find. Is there anything I need to do with the OptiFine jar, aside from putting it into run/mods? Thanks in advance.
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