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  1. Open my link, everything is clearly written there. Read just a few posts.
  2. Have you ever written programs? At least a console application. If not, check out the Java tutorials first. Judging by what you write, you don’t understand what is going on.
  3. I don’t understand why my message was deleted, the link leads to the right place. 1.15.2 does not have a SetupDecompWorkspace task. gradle tasks --all
  4. It seems to me that I looked where no one should look.
  5. I know how debug works. Previously, debug did not work as it should, but now it has earned. The problem remains, but now I can see what happens. Why is RenderNamePlateEvent responsible for rendering the arrow(it contains an arrow entity)? Is it not responsible for nicknames over the heads of players and the inscriptions of renamed objects placed in frames (and the like)?
  6. I don’t know what the problem was, but now the game is frozen and everything works as it should)) I have experience debugging programs in Visual Studio, so I understand how this should happen.
  7. I use IntellijIDEA, I like it a little more, but I have VSCode and Eclipse in which the project starts normally. I already included debug in IntellijIDEA, I described the result above: I can’t see the values of the variables, breakpoints do not work, the game does not freeze, nothing happens (did what you described). Maybe I'm not doing it right. I'll try to do it in Eclipse.
  8. Can you tell (or give a link) how to use the debugger? It will be very useful to me in the future. I tried to find something similar or use a logger, but this is a very bad idea. If you meant breakpoints and debug, I tried to set breakpoints and look at the values, but apparently either I have little experience working with them, or I'm doing something wrong. I could not see the values of the variables and the game did not stop, nothing happened. I will try to do what you said, but it’s not yet clear how to connect entity and renderer, and how to fire renderer (is there an event?), I planned to study this when I finish bow, but apparently I have to do it now.
  9. Do I understand correctly that there is no suitable event for rendering arrow? An event is not raised in the render() method of the ArrowRenderer class, and only the RenderNameplateEvent is created in the render() method of the EntityRenderer (super) class. I cannot change the event because it does not exist and I cannot rewrite ArrowRenderer, what can I try to do?
  10. My org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx3G - Java can use a maximum of 3 GB of RAM. org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xms3G - Java can use a minimum of 3 GB of RAM. org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xms512m -Xmx4G - Java can use a minimum of 512MB and maximum of 4GB of RAM. org.gradle.java.home=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_241 - Gradle uses that version of Java which is in this folder. org.gradle.java.home=C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.8.0_241 - This installs the 32 bit version of Java (in Program Files (x86)). #org.gradle.java.home=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_241 - I use this line when Linux is running. You need to download jdk 8 64 bit from here and install it. Then here (C:/Program Files/Java/) you will have this folder jdk1.8.0_241. Now we just need to add this line to the properties file. If there are problems, try to allocate more RAM.
  11. above through the post there is another example of a line of code
  12. I already asked about event buses
  13. can anyone help me? The problem is still relevant. I don’t understand how this system works. Apparently, the entity flies correctly, and the renderer does not draw according to the coordinates of the entity, or it does not correctly orient the arrow in space. If you set a high speed, the arrow still falls close to the player, the flight animation does not correspond to the direction of the shot and the flight range of the real arrow (where the arrow falls and remains on the ground).
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