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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Thanks! I found this information somewhere too, and i also found some helpful links for people that may also have this problem Usage of capabilities: https://tutorials.darkhax.net/tutorials/custom_entity_data/ Usage of subCompounds(I find it helpful a bit):
  2. Hello I'm trying to learn how to use NBT tags in order to store data on items, but I got stuck on one problem. Data is being stored and whatnot but it isn't stored in the instance of an item, but the item itself @Override public ActionResult<ItemStack> onItemRightClick(World worldIn, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumHand handIn) { if(playerIn.getActiveItemStack().getTagCompound()==null) playerIn.getActiveItemStack().setTagCompound(new NBTTagCompound()); if(playerIn.getActiveItemStack().getTagCompound().hasKey("TestVal")==false) { playerIn.getActiveItemStack().getTagCompound().setInteger("TestVal", 1); } int curVal = playerIn.getActiveItemStack().getTagCompound().getInteger("TestVal"); playerIn.getActiveItemStack().getTagCompound().setInteger("TestVal", curVal+1); System.out.println(playerIn.getActiveItemStack().getTagCompound().getInteger("TestVal")); return super.onItemRightClick(worldIn, playerIn, handIn); }
  3. Hello If this topic is somewhere on the forum then I apologize, but I have an issue with this part of the tutorial "Getting started with Forge": "Open up a command prompt in the folder you created in step (3), then run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace. This will download a bunch of artifacts from the internet needed to decompile and build Minecraft and forge. This might take some time, as it will download stuff and then decompile Minecraft. Note that, in general, these things will only need to be downloaded and decompiled once, unless you delete the gradle artifact cache." I have everything configured, but the problem is in the jdk version I am using. I can't find jdk that's supported by this gradle, all of them are archived and can be accessed only after registration on Oracle website, which doesn't really work("System error. Please re-try your action. If you continue to get this error, please contact the Administrator." upon login). If someone could provide me with some way to get supported version, I'd be grateful.
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