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Everything posted by Schleim_time
How to make custom falling blocks like sand?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
ok i will try this out, ty -
How to make custom falling blocks like sand?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
i solved it for myself it was so easy i did a new class extends blockGravel -
How to make custom falling blocks like sand?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
i know that is but i meant is there a method that can be overridden like canBlockFall -
@Override public Item getItemDropped(IBlockState state, Random rand, int fortune) { return item; } is there a way to make falling blocks out of normal blocks just like that? or how can i create falling blocks?
oh wow it was very simple only remove the sides, thank fot that
I want to add a custom recipe for my helmet, i know i can do " " "III" "I I" but now i can only craft my helmet if it is placed down in the workbench, is it possible to make both variants of crafting (up the worckbench and down) in only one json file?
ok okay thank you, i expected thats the same now lakes are finally gone
@SubscribeEvent(receiveCanceled=true) public void onEvent(Decorate event){ if(event.getType() == Decorate.EventType.TREE||event.getType() == Decorate.EventType.LAKE_LAVA||event.getType() == Decorate.EventType.LAKE_WATER){ event.setResult(Event.Result.DENY); } } thats all, trees got canceled and lakes not
I did an decorate event, i want to let it cancel lakes and trees, i asked if type == tree or type == water_lake, for some reason the trees are gone but i still have lakes
I want to make an event that triggers everytime a chunk is loaded but the problem ist that the chunk load event will only trigger for the chunks nearby to the joinpoint of the world, so when i fly away of that, the chunks are not affected anymore of my event @SubscribeEvent public void onEvent(ChunkEvent event) { Chunk theChunk = event.getChunk(); thats the start of my method, is there an other event that will fore when i fly around after joining? i tried the chunkwatchevent but it seems like i cant get a chunk from that event
Why is this OreGen event not working?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
oh okay, i am meaning if you can catch the locations of generated ores or decoration, you can very easy replace them without creating custom flowers or ores, i mean is that possible? -
Why is this OreGen event not working?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
yeah i am doing it also like that but it would be pretty cool and a lazy way to generate ores, or better, replacing decorations like flowers with custom blocks -
Why is this OreGen event not working?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
yeah but isnt every seed the same i mean also the ores are the same pos when i generate the same seed. is it possible to get the pos of the ores because that would be very cool and usefull to replace them with custom blocks -
Why is this OreGen event not working?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
and do you know why this setting state to replace ores will not work? -
Why is this OreGen event not working?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
@SubscribeEvent public void oreGenMinable(OreGenEvent.GenerateMinable event) { event.getWorld().setBlockState(event.getPos(), Blocks.STONE.getDefaultState()); } the event at all seems to work but for some reson set canceled true will crash, set result to deny will do nothing and set it like now to stone cause like 10000 errors and crashes after time -
Why is this OreGen event not working?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
oh alright i will do that -
Why is this OreGen event not working?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
do you know what flower or tree gen is? is that terraingeneration? because there are only 3 busses, oregen, event and terrain -
Why is this OreGen event not working?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
thank you i readed something about oregenbus i will try it is there a list of that busses anywhere ? -
Why is this OreGen event not working?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
i tried now with @EventBusSubscriber + static and Without both but none of those workes, is there maybe a mistake in the registrastion? -
Why is this OreGen event not working?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
is a decorator event static? i thought all times an event cant be static -
Why my flowers will not get replaced by my block?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
package com.Schleimtime.Wasteland.event; import com.Schleimtime.Wasteland.init.modbiome; import com.Schleimtime.Wasteland.init.modblocks; import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.DecorateBiomeEvent.Decorate; import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.OreGenEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventBusSubscriber; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = "wa") public class destroyed { @SubscribeEvent static void plants (Decorate e) { if(e.getType() == Decorate.EventType.FLOWERS&&e.getWorld().getBiome(e.getPlacementPos()) == modbiome.WASTELAND) { e.getWorld().setBlockState(e.getPlacementPos(), modblocks.JUNK_BLOCK.getDefaultState()); } } package com.Schleimtime.Wasteland; import com.Schleimtime.Wasteland.event.destroyed; import com.Schleimtime.Wasteland.init.modbiome; import com.Schleimtime.Wasteland.proxy.commonproxy; import com.Schleimtime.Wasteland.util.reference; import com.Schleimtime.Wasteland.world.types.worldtypewasteland; import net.minecraft.world.WorldType; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.Instance; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.SidedProxy; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent; @Mod(modid = reference.MOD_ID, name = reference.Name, version = reference.Version) public class Main { @Instance public static Main instance; @SidedProxy(clientSide = reference.CLIENT_PROXY_CLASS, serverSide = reference.COMMON_PROXY_CLASS) public static commonproxy proxy; @EventHandler public static void PreInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) { modbiome.registerBiomes(); } @EventHandler public static void Init(FMLInitializationEvent e) { } @EventHandler public static void PostInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent e) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(destroyed.class); WorldType WASTELAND = new worldtypewasteland(); } } i tried to make it like the picture and tried out the static one but thats also not working, i treid an event that will send a message on block break and that worked for some reason -
@EventBusSubscriber public class destroyed { @SubscribeEvent public void oreGenMinable(OreGenEvent.GenerateMinable event) { System.out.println("hi"); event.setResult(net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event.Result.DENY); } } } i tried to cancel all generated minables but the event will not even give me the sysout i registrated it also in the main like that: @EventHandler public static void PostInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent e) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new destroyed()); } does anybody know whats the mistake there?
I tried an dacorator event but for some reason it will not work and replace the flowers with my block, also i tried to only replace the flowers in one biome, here is my little event: @SubscribeEvent public void plants (Decorate e) { if(e.getType() == Decorate.EventType.FLOWERS&&e.getWorld().getBiome(e.getPlacementPos()) == modbiome.WASTELAND) { e.getWorld().setBlockState(e.getPlacementPos(), modblocks.JUNK_BLOCK.getDefaultState()); } }
How to remove Vanilla Recipes in 1.12.2?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support
It wasnt that hard at end i did if(r.getRegistryName().toString() == "minecraft:book") { and that was all, wow and i tried everything else expect that Thank you very much -
How to remove Vanilla Recipes in 1.12.2?
Schleim_time replied to Schleim_time's topic in Modder Support