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Everything posted by SamMan

  1. Ahhhhh I getcha, so I need to check the event.getSide()?
  2. Hello y'all! Been working on a mod that overrides existing left click functionality, and got it hooked up to subscribe to the PlayerInteractEvent.LeftClickBlock event, however when displaying a debug message from it, the message is sent twice, and I can't see why. Code: Main.java public class Main { public static String MODID = "codeplacer"; public static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(MODID); } OverrideClick.java @Mod.EventBusSubscriber public class OverrideTemplateClick { @SubscribeEvent public static void clickItem(PlayerInteractEvent.LeftClickBlock event) { Main.logger.debug("Click!"); } } Leads to output: Hopefully this is just something I've done wrong. Thanks for reading! EDIT: Thanks Draco! Ran a check on event.getWorld().isRemote to get this code: @Mod.EventBusSubscriber public class OverrideTemplateClick { @SubscribeEvent public static void clickItem(PlayerInteractEvent.LeftClickBlock event) { if (!event.getWorld().isRemote) { // if not on logical client return; } Main.logger.debug("Click!"); } }
  3. Update: Used Java 8.101 but had the same error. Beans
  4. Update: Installed the version of Java, but hmphf:
  5. I getcha, though since the newer Java ain't going to work on this (and I'll try to set it up such that its only used for the runClient script), it seems to only option left... Time to go digging!
  6. Well see, my thinking was that since this old Java version is able to launch Forge, if I could just tell gradle to use that version of Java when launching the runClient script (not the build script, I can use the latest version of Java to do that) and starting MC, I should be in the money. I just haven't been successful in telling gradle to do that :<
  7. To my knowledge yes. I asked a similar question a few years ago on the technic pack forums and was told that Intel had dropped support for the Intel HD Graphics 3000, leading to these sorts of issues. So I guess they're as updated as they'll ever be
  8. Yep. Its a pretty old laptop (showing its age I suppose!)
  9. Thank you for your reply Sorry! Should've probably made this more clear. I originally made this post where I ran into a crash when using the runClient command. After some testing I found that that version of Java and my laptop weren't compatible (changing the JRE in the minecraft launcher to the newer one resulted in the crash) so the easiest option seemed to be forcing gradle to use that older yet compatible Java.
  10. Hello again! So posted here a few hours ago about some Forge problems, and tracked it down to gradle loading the wrong version of Java. The IDEA error tells me which Java its using: However, this version of Java is incompatible with my version of Minecraft, so I'd like to change it to use the java.exe bundled with Minecraft (location at C:\Program Files (x86)\Minecraft\runtime\jre-x64\bin) Is there a way to do this? Thanks!
  11. Hey y'all! Recently started to get into mod development for a simple enough mod. However been having some troubles with the gradle 'runClient' command. It downloads the necessary files, attempts to run Minecraft but results in a crash. Crash report here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GVD4wmqZbD/ What seems strange is I can run 1.14.4 Forge under normal circumstances (from the Minecraft launcher), but it doesn't seem to work from here. Is there some setting I can change from the gradle directory to help fix this error? I'm on a reasonably old laptop so its already slow to copy paste then go through the launcher each time. Updating my drivers (the time honored fix) isn't a possibility for me as afaik Intel don't even support my drivers anymore. DxDiag: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/y3HS9TxPrS/ Forge: forge-1.14.4-28.1.0-mdk Hopefully there's a fix for this. My PC definitely seems to be up to the task of running this but ain't seem to be sure whether my driver supports OpenGL Thank you for reading! Edit: Upon some thinking I thought the issue might be that since Minecraft bundles its own runtime environment, I might be using a different runtime environment to Minecraft. Will see if I can use the same runtime environment Minecraft does. Edit2: This appears to confirmed be the case. Switching Minecraft to use the JRE that the gradle command uses causes the same crash in Minecraft. Since I now have a different question (How do I direct gradle to a different JRE) I'll make a new forum post (unless I find the answer via google). I'll leave this one here in case somebody else has the same issue. Edit3: Here's the post:
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