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Everything posted by HighFox

  1. So there's no need to use them unless you want other mods to be able to access your extra data?
  2. Hey all, Just wondering what capabilities should be used for in terms of entities. Are they meant to replace Data Parameters or variables that change a lot? Thanks!
  3. Ok i've got it now, thanks so much!
  4. Ahhhhh okay thanks! So for things like entities and blocks i should be checking if it is true if i want to, for example, add some particles to the world?
  5. Hey all, I've recently realised that I haven't been using world.isRemote at all. I was wondering where exactly I need to be checking for it, because it seems a little inconsistent when looking at vanilla code. Thanks!
  6. Hey all! Anyone know how to go about adding separation settings to custom structures? Thanks!
  7. You could try checking that all the blocks below the structure are solid before generating it.
  8. Thanks so much! This is super helpful!
  9. Hey all. Just wondering how I would go about adding a line of particles between two points for a short period of time, if at all possible. Thanks!
  10. It may be the Advanced Chimneys mod. I am not completely sure though. Check it's config file to be sure.
  11. I mean, it's most likely one of the installed mods. I'll look through them and see if I can find the culprit
  12. Thanks for the info! Would I go about it like this? @SubscribeEvent public static void onAttachCapabilities(AttachCapabilitiesEvent<Entity> event) { if (event.getObject() instanceof LivingEntity) { event.addListener(new Runnable() { public void run() { } }); } }
  13. I am looking to spawn special particles at the position of an entity's corpse after it has disappeared and made the poof particles. Currently the LivingDeathEvent, LivingDropsEvent and LivingExperienceDropEvent all trigger as soon as the entity dies, meaning the position of the entity supplied to the event is different to where its corpse lands and turns into smoke particles. Is there an event I can use that would give me the position of an entity's corpse AFTER it has disappeared? Or is there a way to get this position from the events i already mentioned? Or did I miss one?
  14. That's fine! Anything helps haha. It shows me how to generate multiple components which is super helpful.
  15. Thanks Draco18s! Your code is a lot smaller than that of Mineshafts, Strongholds etc. so it should help me a lot.
  16. So I want to create an underground structure that is randomly generated with multiple different templates that all connect, like a mineshaft or a stronghold. I've tried looking at the vanilla code for structures like this that are already in the game, however I can't get my head around how it all works or how I would go about implementing similar techniques. Does anyone know roughly how it works and how I could generate a structure like this, or if there are any examples somewhere I can look at? Thanks in advance!
  17. Thank you! I'll look into it more then I guess!
  18. I've been experimenting with making custom biomes lately. I've made custom structures, trees and others. However whenever i need to add a feature to a biome, i need to specify a Placement setting and a config. I have no idea what these are for and what each one does, even after trying to look through them and the calling classes. I think it would be beneficial to know what they do, and which one to use when. Thanks!
  19. How would I implement a for loop?
  20. I would much rather not have to register a whole different block for each colour, as I will likely be making a lot more blocks with all the colour variants.
  21. I've been trying to make a version of the normal bricks with different colour variants, but the best I have been able to do is this: As you can see, it isn't working as intended. The blocks don't seem to work at all in the inventory or when placed. Please help? Log: Block File: Event Subscriber: Client Event Subscriber: Blockstate:
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