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Posts posted by Viper283

  1. I tested to see if i had re-added the recipes for my tileentity correctly, but when i tried to take an item or block from my hotbar and put it in the custom tileentity (copied from furnace just with error fixes, like imports, change names, change package name) it picks it up but then it puts it back in the same place after about 1 second


    You can view my code here


    i forgot to change some stuff, fixed, now to fix the cannot be cast to TileEntityFurnace crash

    new bug fixed now, forgot to change the block to update it to

  2. 1.3.2 is out  ;D ;D ;D ;D so that means forge will probably be out soon.


    DISCLAIMER, I am in no way related to anything involving forge development so my views could be wrong and not reflect the views of the developers.


    don't worry about it, forge for 1.3.2 if officially out, just look at the thread



    Oh yeah, the camelCase frostedDirt thing didnt make a difference:


    public static Block frostedDirt;


    public mod_ArcticCraft()




    try {


    } catch (Exception g) {



                            this.frostedDirt = (new AC_BlockFrostDirt(initIntProp(config, "frostDirt", config.CATEGORY_BLOCK, 223), 3)).setHardness(0.5F).setBlockName("frostedDirt").setStepSound(Block.soundGravelFootstep).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock);



                                        LanguageRegistry.instance().addStringLocalization("frostedDirt" + ".name", "en_US", "Frosted Dirt");









    package net.minecraft.src;


    import java.util.ArrayList;

    import java.util.List;

    import java.util.Random;


    public class AC_BlockFrostDirt extends Block {

    protected AC_BlockFrostDirt(int i, int j) {

    super(i, j, Material.ground);



    // You declare the block materials in here and what it drops because where using forge


    public int idDropped(int i, Random rand, int j)


    return mod_ArcticCraft.frostedDirt.blockID;



    public String getVersion()


    return "v1.0";



        public String getTextureFile() {

    return "/ArcticCraft/ACBlocks.png";





    I still get the weird texture bug when its in my hand and I still dont see a name when hovering over it




    You need to use the @Mod() annotation go here for a tutorial on how to implement it

  4. Ok I've fixed that and n my opinion the forge call is way better now using a sprite sheet :), my other question is what forge call do I use to name my blocks?

    Thats a bug with FML (forge mod loader, comes with forge) should work with later builds.

    you can still use ModLoader.addName(...) but it doesn't work atm

  5. unfortunately, this forum is the wrong place for an FML suggestion


    while forge comes bundled with FML, FML itself is not part of forge, and is depeloped seperately

    actually FML is bundled with forge, FML is the modloader it is based on and forge just adds new hooks and things for modders to use to extra compatiblise mods and to add extra features to mods

  6. The internal server was to reduce those bugs. World holes should be gone soon.

    Trading is very cool. I just use it to get chainmail armor.

    And a city with mods... :D

    The internal server was the first step in implementing the mod api (dinnerbone said it on the irc)

  7. is there an estimated date of completion?

    the first test release should be out soon-ish, it depends on how much time lexmanos has available to finish porting to the new system & mc 1.3


    Excuse me that i'm annoying,but what is the limit-day when Forge 1.3.1 is out?(approximately)

    probably a few days

  8. if you are using MForge you should consider making a sprite sheet like what minecraft has, a 256x256 png file


    add this line to your load() method

    MinecraftForgeClient.preloadTexture("Directory Here");


    also have the item code look something like this

    public final Item ingotSteel = new itemSteel(144).setIconIndex(0).setItemName("ingotSteel");

    0 is the first 16x16 section on the sprite sheet

  9. Item Etc:


    public class mod_Food extends BaseMod //if you plan to make it smp change BaseMod to NetworkMod


    public static final Item PotatoSeed = new ItemSeedsTextureHandler(386, mod_Food.Potato.blockID, Block.tilledField.blockID).setItemName("PotatoSeed").setIconIndex(8);


    static {

    ModLoader.addName(PotatoSeed, "Potato Seed");


    public String getVersion()


    return "1.2.5";}


    public void load() {





    } }






    package net.minecraft.src;


    import net.minecraft.src.forge.ITextureProvider;


    public class ItemSeedsTextureHandler extends ItemSeeds implements ITextureProvider



      public ItemSeedsTextureHandler (int par1, int par2, int par3) {



    public String getTextureFile()


                return "/FoodMod/gui/items.png";












    public class mod_Food extends BaseMod


    public static final Item PotatoSeed = new ItemSeedsTextureHandler(386, mod_Food.Potato.blockID, Block.tilledField.blockID).setItemName("PotatoSeed").setIconIndex(8);


    static {

    ModLoader.addName(PotatoSeed, "Potato Seed");


    public String getVersion()


    return "1.2.5";}


    public void load() {

    MinecraftForge.addGrassSeed(PotatoSeed.itemID,0,1,10); //i think its itemID, if not change it to shiftedIndex




    } }


  10. I used MCForge version to create my minecraft mod, but when i put my jar file into the mods folder it doesnt get loaded, can somebody tell me how we install mods using this version of MCForge(by the way i have never had any problems installing mods before)


    Here is the log from the files that MCForge creates on startup



    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.2.5 loading

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Attempting to load mods contained in the minecraft jar file and associated classes

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Found a minecraft related file at C:\Users\Zach\Desktop\multimc\instances\Mineplus\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar, loading

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Found a mod class mod_MinecraftForge in file minecraft.jar, attempting to load it

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class mod_MinecraftForge found, loading

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] ModLoader BaseMod class mod_MinecraftForge loaded

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Mod class mod_MinecraftForge loaded successfully

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Found a minecraft related file at C:\Users\Zach\Desktop\multimc\instances\Mineplus\.minecraft\bin\lwjgl.jar, loading

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Found a minecraft related file at C:\Users\Zach\Desktop\multimc\instances\Mineplus\.minecraft\bin\lwjgl_util.jar, loading

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Found a minecraft related file at C:\Users\Zach\Desktop\multimc\instances\Mineplus\.minecraft\bin\jinput.jar, loading

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Minecraft jar mods loaded successfully

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [iNFO] Loading mods from C:\Users\Zach\Desktop\multimc\instances\Mineplus\.minecraft\mods

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Found a zip or jar file mineplus.jar, attempting to load it

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Found a mod class net.minecraft.src.mod_mine in file mineplus.jar, attempting to load it

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Mod class net.minecraft.src.mod_mine loaded successfully

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] File mineplus.jar loaded successfully

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader has loaded 1 mods

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Beginning mod pre-initialization

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINER] Pre-initializing C:\Users\Zach\Desktop\multimc\instances\Mineplus\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Reading existing configuration file for mod_MinecraftForge : mod_MinecraftForge.cfg

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINEST] Configuration for mod_MinecraftForge.SPAWNER_ALLOW_ON_INVERTED found values default: true, configured: true, interpreted: true

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Configuration for mod_MinecraftForge written to mod_MinecraftForge.cfg

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Mod pre-initialization complete

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Verifying mod dependencies are satisfied

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] All dependencies are satisfied

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Sorting mods into an ordered list

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Sorted mod list:

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] mod_MinecraftForge: minecraft.jar ()

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Beginning mod initialization

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINER] Initializing mod_MinecraftForge

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [iNFO] MinecraftForge v3.2.5.118 Initialized

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Mod initialization complete

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Beginning mod post-initialization

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINER] Post-initializing mod_MinecraftForge

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [FINE] Mod post-initialization complete

    2012-06-03 15:10:39 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader load complete, 1 mods loaded




    (I can use spoilers ;P)


    i used the multimc launcher if that helps


    as lex metioned below, i forgot to reobf the mod (made the jar file through eclipse so it didn't put the files in the right place)

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