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Everything posted by jasonhaxstuff

  1. I have come up with a janky solution to my problem. I won't mark this as solved as I would really prefer to use what I had in my previous post. @Config(modid = MODID, name = "notifications") public class NotifsConfig { @Config.Name("URLs") @Config.Comment("The list of phrases to send notifications for (separate with commas).") public static URLs = {}; @Config.Name("Phrases") @Config.Comment("The list of phrases to send notifications for (separate with commas).") public static Phrases = {}; @Config.Name("Blacklist") @Config.Comment("A list of phrases to blacklist from sending to the URLs (separate with commas).") public static Blacklist = {}; } Basically, I use the index of the current URL(s) that I'm checking to link them to the items at those same indexes in the Phrases and Blacklist arrays. To make them 2D arrays, I just split them with (escapable) commas.
  2. Try to go into your task manager (CTRL + Shift + ESC), find "Java(TM) Platform SE binary", right-click on it, and click "End task".
  3. It might be best if I show you my logical thinking when creating the configuration class for my mod. @Config(modid = Notifs.MODID, name = "Notifications") public class NotifsConfig { @Config.Name("Blacklist") @Config.Comment("A list of phrases to blacklist.") public static String[] blacklist = {}; @Config.Name("Urls") @Config.Comment("The list of URLs to send phrases to.") public static Url[] URLs = {}; class Url { @Config.Name("Urls") @Config.Comment("The URL(s).") public String[] URLs = {}; @Config.Name("Phrases") @Config.Comment("The list of phrases to send notifications for.") public String[] Phrases = {}; } } For some reason, whenever I click on the "URLs" button in the configurator, there is no option to add new objects or anything. Is there any way that I could circumvent this?
  4. Ohhhhhh! Whenever you said "You then register your packets only on the client (FMLClientSetupEvent)." I though you meant that I should do that.
  5. Nevermind. I had to register the packets on the `FMLServerStartingEvent` event. That fixed it.
  6. My new code (in the repo) throws this error on the server whenever I try to send a packet to a player Received invalid message me.jasonhaxstuff.luckyblock.packets.JumpScarePKT
  7. This fixed my problem, but do you also know why none of my server commands are being registered?
  8. From the docs: "Here, we simply compare with the PROTOCOL_VERSION field directly, meaning that the client and server PROTOCOL_VERSIONs must always match or FML will deny login." No, I'm not starting a vanilla server.
  9. Ohhhh, that kind of code, I thought you meant a code. private static final String PROTOCOL_VERSION = "490"; public static final SimpleChannel INSTANCE = NetworkRegistry.newSimpleChannel( new ResourceLocation(MyMod.MODID, "main"), () -> PROTOCOL_VERSION, PROTOCOL_VERSION::equals, PROTOCOL_VERSION::equals ); I looked up the protocol versions and found that 490 is for 1.14.3. I also tried version 1 (from the example code). I have a feeling that I shouldn't be comparing the protocol versions directly and should actually be checking if the version is one of many versions. I just don't know what those versions would be.
  10. I'm pretty sure the method has been replaced with GUI.blit(x, y, offsetX, offsetY, sizeX, sizeY); , but I can't check until my other question is answered that is preventing me from joining my server. If this does work, I will mark this thread as solved.
  11. I am hosting a server with my mod on it. I have the exact same built version of that mod on my client. Both the server and the client are using Forge version 27.0.17. My mod specifies that it is made for Forge version 27. Channels [luckyblock:main] rejected their server side version number is the error I get on the client whenever I try to join the server. Forge tells me that I have a mismatched mod channel list. Information: I'm wondering if my dependencies in my mods.toml might be the cause of this:
  12. How would I go about rendering a texture in a Screen? I could do it in 1.8.9 with GUI.drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, offsetX, offsetY, sizeX, sizeY); but that doesn't work anymore. Where would I find the new method for this?
  13. Oh, okay. I'm making a mod per someone's request, so I guess I'll just tell them to update lmao
  14. How would I go about rendering anything in 1.8.9?
  15. How would I go about rendering an extra nametag above players (client-side)? I couldn't find anything about this that didn't completely confuse me. I can program and all, but I'm new to Minecraft Forge.
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