Nether Ore Generation works now thanks to @MrTroble. He helped me a lot on the HyCraftHD Discord, and spent quite a lot of time to find out how the things work.
My OreGeneration class now looks like this
so I made another "public static void" called it SetupNetherOreGen. Inside of that Mr.Troble found out how to change the biome to the Nether
biomes.NETHER.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, Biome.func_222280_a(Feature.MINABLE, new OreFeatureConfig
(OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.NETHERRACK, YOURBLOCK.getDefaultState(), 7/*MaxOreVeinSize*/), Placement.field_215028_n, new CountRangeConfig(8, 10, 10, 128)));// Vein/Chunk Count, MinHeight, MaxHeightBase, MaxHeight
The of course add it to your setup function in the main class and it should be working for the nether
private void setup(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event)
OreGeneration.SetupNetherOreGen();"Setup method registered");