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Everything posted by kisiel23

  1. Could you write it for me because i don't know english so good and i don't understand what is wrong
  2. I created gui that change input item to specified output item that is added to inventory. When i insert item and press button output item is added to inventory, but when i quit gui output item dissapears and change into input item. protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button) { MinecraftServer server = FMLCommonHandler.instance().getMinecraftServerInstance(); World world = server.worldServers[0]; if (button.id == 0){ if((Filamencik.getStackInSlot(0) !=null ) &&Filamencik.getStackInSlot(0).getItem() == pomaranczowyfilament.block){ if(entity instanceof EntityPlayer)((EntityPlayer)entity).inventory.addItemStackToInventory(new ItemStack(pomaranczowyMarfin.block, 1)); } if((Filamencik.getStackInSlot(00) !=null ) &&Filamencik.getStackInSlot(00).getItem() == bialyfilament.block){ if(entity instanceof EntityPlayer)((EntityPlayer)entity).inventory.addItemStackToInventory(new ItemStack(bialymarfin.block, 1)); } if((Filamencik.getStackInSlot(00) !=null ) &&Filamencik.getStackInSlot(00).getItem() == bialyfilament.block){ Filamencik.decrStackSize(00, 1); } if((Filamencik.getStackInSlot(00) !=null ) &&Filamencik.getStackInSlot(00).getItem() == pomaranczowyfilament.block){ Filamencik.decrStackSize(00, 1); } } } Version is 1.12.2
  3. I created code that recognize what object is in input slot and if it's white it add white item to output slot and if it's orange it outputs orange item.if (button.id == 0){ if((Filamencik.getStackInSlot(00) !=null ) &&Filamencik.getStackInSlot(00).getItem() == bialyfilament.block){ Filamencik.setInventorySlotContents(01, new ItemStack(bialymarfin.block, 1)); } if((Filamencik.getStackInSlot(00) !=null ) &&Filamencik.getStackInSlot(00).getItem() == bialyfilament.block){ Filamencik.setInventorySlotContents(00, null); } if((Filamencik.getStackInSlot( 00) !=null ) &&Filamencik.getStackInSlot( 00).getItem() == pomaranczowyfilament.block){ Filamencik.setInventorySlotContents(01, new ItemStack(pomaranczowyMarfin.block, 1)); } if((Filamencik.getStackInSlot( 00) !=null ) &&Filamencik.getStackInSlot( 00).getItem() == pomaranczowyfilament.block){ Filamencik.setInventorySlotContents(00, null); } } } if i insert item to input slot and press event button input item dissapear, output item shows. If i quit GUI in that moment output item will come out, but when i click output item in GUI it disappears and input item shows again
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