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Everything posted by Abattoir

  1. Okay. And what can I do with singleplayer worlds? They have any unique thing I can get?
  2. I found a mod called Xaero's Minimap which can store waypoints per world. Do you know how can it recognise the server worlds or it uses a custom method?
  3. I found that on some servers (like Hypixel) the seed is 0. What can cause this? Is there any other way to identify the world? Code: @SubscribeEvent public static void onPlayerJoin(EntityJoinWorldEvent event) { if (Minecraft.getInstance().player == null || event.getEntity() != Minecraft.getInstance().player) { return; } BiomeManager biomeManager = Minecraft.getInstance().player.getEntityWorld().getBiomeManager(); Long seed = ObfuscationReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(BiomeManager.class, biomeManager, "field_226833_b_"); if (seed == null) { return; } System.out.println("SEED: " + seed); // DEBUG }
  4. I don’t find that method. Can you please explain it more how can I get the server world seed from my client-side mod? Thanks!
  5. Hello. I would like to create an 1.16.4 client-side mod which can store per-world info but I don’t know how can I get any unique info about a world in a server? I only found the dimension but I would like to add multiworld support so I have to distinguish the worlds. Thanks for your answer.
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