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Everything posted by STOKESTER

  1. removed project e from my server mods, did the routine /fml confirm, console responds with "confirmed" but then does nothing? Just hangs there, Our world file is like 8gb total but we only have 3 or 4 blocks placed from that pack so Idk what it's doing... Any suggestions?
  2. Looks like you've put a client side only mod onto your server. The Mod in question is this onehttps://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mo-bends Maybe try removing the jar file named wings-1.1.5-1.12.2.jar from your servers mods directory and try to start it?
  3. Pretty sure the mod needs to be a .jar file. Try extracting the zip in the mods folder?
  4. I recently set up a dedicated server in my home for me and some buddies to play on. I'm looking for some mods to keep the number of entities low, things to show players inventories, and anything that has some other neat features. I'm interested to hear some solutions you guys have implemented for your own servers as well. Server is running the latest version of forge for 1.12.2.
  5. Just deleted it from the server and it worked :D, Thankyou hahahaha
  6. I know I have some client side mods on the server, but I figured it'd just disable them, is the xray mod the one causing the problem?
  7. Here's my log https://pastebin.com/4yggHGxK I just wanted update some mods that twitch said had updates. Downloaded them via twitch, copied them to usb, deleted the mods from my server and copied the new ones over. Now the server wont start... Can anyone help me understand what the problem is please?
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