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Everything posted by 4sterism

  1. I have no idea how to use it: GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); stat = "Lv " + data.getLevel() + " (" + (data.GetExpRequiredForLevelUp() - data.getExp())+ "xp left)"; mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, j, 32896); stat = GetStatString(unit.healthData(),data) + " (" + GetStatString(unit.MyStats.get(HealthRegen.GUID), data).substring(13) + "/s)"; mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, -1); down += 10; stat = GetStatString(unit.energyData(), data) + " (" + GetStatString(unit.MyStats.get(EnergyRegen.GUID), data).substring(13) + "/s)"; mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, -1); down += 10; stat = GetStatString(unit.manaData(), data) + " (" + GetStatString(unit.MyStats.get(ManaRegen.GUID), data).substring(11) + "/s)"; mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, -1); down += 10; mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(" ", right, down, -1); down += 10; stat = "Resistances"; mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, 32896); down += 10; stat = "Physical " + GetStatString(unit.MyStats.get(Armor.GUID), data).substring(6); mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, -1); down += 10; stat = "Fire " + GetStatString(unit.MyStats.get(FireResist.GUID), data).substring(12); mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, -1); down += 10; stat = "Thunder " + GetStatString(unit.MyStats.get(ThunderResist.GUID), data).substring(15); mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, -1); down += 10; stat = "Water " + GetStatString(unit.MyStats.get(WaterResist.GUID), data).substring(13); mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, -1); down += 10; stat = "Nature " + GetStatString(unit.MyStats.get(NatureResist.GUID), data).substring(14); mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, -1); down += 10; stat = GetStatString(unit.MyStats.get(Dodge.GUID), data); mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, -1); down += 10; mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(" ", right, down, -1); down += 10; stat = "Melee"; mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, 32896); down += 10; stat = "Dmg " + GetStatString(unit.MyStats.get(PhysicalDamage.GUID), data).substring(16); mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, -1); down += 10; stat = "Crit " + GetStatString(unit.MyStats.get(CriticalHit.GUID), data).substring(13) + " (Dmg +" + GetStatString(unit.MyStats.get(CriticalDamage.GUID), data).substring(16) + ")"; mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, -1); down += 10; stat = GetStatString(unit.MyStats.get(Lifesteal.GUID), data); mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, -1); down += 10; stat = GetStatString(unit.MyStats.get(ManaOnHit.GUID), data); mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(stat, right, down, -1); down += 10; GlStateManager.scale(0,0,-100); GlStateManager.popMatrix();
  2. 2 questions: 1. Debug mode? You mean I can edit them in real time without rebuilding and rerunning? HOW? lol 2. I dont know how to do that - here is my code attached. Where would these methods go. I have no experience making guis. I literally jsut drew strings at the correct coordinates and then every draw I would just increment the z coordinate by 10. StatsScreen.java
  3. Alright, I hope someone will help me this time. Im baffled by this problem. I'm modifying a source for private use and managed to add an event suscriber so that when the Baubles gui is opened, stats will be displayed. The stats are updated when the equipment changes too. I thought it worked fine and was about to add more stats...until I noticed that tooltips are drawn under the strings. I did my research and they basically said to override the drawscreen method and add in a drawtooltip method to draw AFTER, so that it will be on top. Except...the source im using doesn't make their own custom tooltips. They hijack an event onTooltip and draw their tooltip there which makes this method not feasible to me at least. Another solution is to somehow render the gui I made so that it appears under everything. What do you think I should do? And HOW should I do it?
  4. Nvm I fixed it myself. I guess I can't expect any help here as another post I asked wasn't answered either.
  5. So Im modifying an RPG mod trying to display stats within a bauble menu. I got the proof of concept working in a compile where I mapped quark's search bar to the bauble screen. But then the next compile threw an error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraftforge/client/event/GuiScreenEvent$InitGuiEvent$Post. Removing MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new StatsScreen()); from preinit gets rid of the problem, but then my gui modification won't show. How it works is it subscribes to Gui events and checks if it's the baubles gui. Then it will render my gui on top. I just need to get this working before I can modify the code and make it into my own stats gui.
  6. Suppose I have an rpg mod that already has bauble integration. There are 2 menus, the baubles menu and the stats menu. I want to modify this mod so that when I open the baubles menu, the stats are shown at the side where there is some free space. How do I do this? I have the baubles api and a deobfuscated baubles mod. I think I have an idea, but I dont know how to do this: create a new menu that combines both aspects so now there will be the default mc menu, the baubles menu, adn then the modified menu.
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