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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. public class OreGeneration { public static final Feature<OreFeatureConfig> KUNZITE_ORE = new OreFeature(OreFeatureConfig.CODEC); public static final ConfiguredFeature <?,?> KUNZITE_FEATURE = new ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>((KUNZITE_ORE).withConfiguration(new OreFeatureConfig(OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.NATURAL_STONE, BlockInit.KUNZITE_ORE.get().defaultBlockState(), 6)).range(20).square().func_242731_b(20)); public static void generateOre(final BiomeLoadingEvent event) { if (event.getCategory() == Category.SAVANNA) { event.getGeneration().getFeatures(Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES).add(() -> KUNZITE_FEATURE); } } } I have used multiple ways of incorporating ore generation into the game and they all seem to require ".withConfiguration" this one doesnt require ".configure" though but most others do, and I have no idea why there is an error. theres usually a replacement solution but i cant seem to figure anything out let me know if im missing anything also this code heavily inspired by Beethoven92's better end generation, but i've tried many different simple ways of generating
  2. updated mod!
  3. MORE PROGRESSION MOD The MoreProgression Mod adds tons of new progression items to get you from spawn, all the way to the Ender Dragon and some more after that! It adds a numerous amount of items including new foods, ores, blocks, tools, armor, and more! VERSION 0.3.1 and higher: VERSION 0.3.0 and lower: Mods recommended to run with this mod: - Overloaded Armor Bar - Tool Helper - Armor Toughness Bar - Just Enough Items This mods goal is to add more progression to the game at the beginning and the end, and I've added exactly that. A mod which adds tools for the in between and AFTER diamonds. Ores: Currently, there are 4 ores, one of which does not have a tool and armor set yet. Bone: Generates in the overworld as a fossil ore, mining that drops 2 to 3 bone fragments which can be used to craft bone tools and armor. Bone fragments also can be used to craft bones and bone meal Ianite: Generates in the overworld as ianite ore, mining this drops 1 ianite gem which can be used to craft ianite tools and armor. Ianite gems can also be used to craft a block of ianite Tritanium: Generates in the nether as tritanium ore, mining this drops the ore block which can be put in a furnace or blast furnace to give you a tritanium ingot. Tritanium ingots can be used to craft tritanium tools and armor. Tritanium ingots can also be used to craft a block of tritanium Ender: Generates in the end as ender ore, mining this drops the ore block which can be put in the a furnace or blast furnace to give you an ender ingot. Ender ingots have no use as of right now, although they can be use to craft a block of ender. Food: Cherry: Obtainable from Cherry Leaves which generate with the Cherry Tree. Cherry Pie: Cherry pies can be crafted with an egg, sugar, and a single cherry. Corn: Obtainable from corn crops. Corn Seeds: Obtainable from breaking tall grass. Corn seeds can be planted on farmland to grow corn. Hamburger: Craftable with two pieces of bread and a steak in between. Blue Berries: Obtainable from blue berry bushes found generated around the world. Blocks: Marble and Marble Bricks: Marble is generated underground in the overworld, can be crafted into marble bricks and can also be put into a stonecutter. Limestone and Limestone Bricks: Limestone is just the same as marble. Basalt and Basalt Bricks: Basalt is the final rock type that is generated in the nether, can also be crafted into bricks with both a crafting table and stonecutter. Cherry Log and Cherry Planks: Cherry wood is obtainable from Cherry Trees, the only obtainable way to get a cherry sapling is from chests in certain locations in the world. Cherry planks do not have a purpose as of yet because of troubles with tags and tagging it as a planks block in planks.json. Download Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/moreprogression
  4. For anyone who is stuck on ore generation, this is what I've come up with. It works, of course everything is already filled in, the variable effecting the ore spawning is at the top. Feel free to use code, just make sure you use your blocks instead of mine. package com.ianite.main.world; import com.ianite.main.block.IaniteBlocks; import net.minecraft.world.biome.Biome; import net.minecraft.world.biome.Biomes; import net.minecraft.world.gen.GenerationStage; import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.Feature; import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.OreFeatureConfig; import net.minecraft.world.gen.placement.CountRangeConfig; import net.minecraft.world.gen.placement.Placement; import net.minecraftforge.common.BiomeManager; public class IaniteOreGeneration { private static final CountRangeConfig IANITE = new CountRangeConfig(15, 10, 0, 25); private static final int IANITE_VEINSIZE = 5; private static final CountRangeConfig TRITANIUM = new CountRangeConfig(25, 10, 0, 128); private static final int TRITANIUM_VEINSIZE = 8; public static void setupOreGeneration() { for (BiomeManager.BiomeType btype : BiomeManager.BiomeType.values()) { for (BiomeManager.BiomeEntry biomeEntry : BiomeManager.getBiomes(btype)) { if (IaniteOreConfig.enableIaniteOre) { biomeEntry.biome.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, Biome.createDecoratedFeature(Feature.ORE, new OreFeatureConfig(OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.NATURAL_STONE, IaniteBlocks.ianite_ore.getDefaultState(), IANITE_VEINSIZE), Placement.COUNT_RANGE, IANITE)); } } } } public static void setupNetherOreGeneration() { if (IaniteOreConfig.enableTritaniumOre) { Biomes.NETHER.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, Biome.createDecoratedFeature(Feature.ORE, new OreFeatureConfig(OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.NETHERRACK, IaniteBlocks.tritanium_ore.getDefaultState(), TRITANIUM_VEINSIZE), Placement.COUNT_RANGE, TRITANIUM)); } } }
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