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Alex Sim

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Posts posted by Alex Sim

  1. 5 hours ago, Ommina said:

    You can use TextureStitchEvent.pre to add your textures, instead of creating a block or item.  This may or may not also affect issue two.  (I've not seen any texture problems, so far)


    That said, gigaherz has made further changes to the Fluid API that will remove the need for the manual texture stitching entirely.  Keep an eye on Forge PR #6110 for details there.

    Thank you, do you happen to know how I add player interaction to the fluid? (eg: swimming, damage etc.)

  2. I found two issues with the new fluid system:


    1) I can't assign any texture to it which does not belong to a registered block or item: that means I have to register a block/item that uses my _flow texture and another one that uses my _still texture in order to apply custom textures to the fluid


    2) Sometimes, if I quit the game right in front of a custom fluid and then reload the game and world, it will show the missing texture for an instant

  3. I'm trying to create a system to register custom Entity data on-the-fly for already existing Entities (including vanilla Entities); for every data object i keep a normal HashMap that maps Class<Entity> -> DataParameter, and i keep a global WeakHashMap that maps UUID -> WeakReference<EntityDataManager> (as I noticed the Entity instance may change for one entity).


    However I noticed sometimes (not always) the map does not clear out, even if I change world and run System.gc(), while sometimes it does

  4. 7 minutes ago, rdvdev2 said:

    I think this is a better approach because forge doesn't have the kotlin runtime or standard library. Without a language provider like kottle every mod would have to shadow these libraries, so it's a better practice to have one mod to carry this libraries to avoid redundancy. This also allows the kotlin libs to update independently 

    Yeah, but what I'm saying is this mod doesn't have to be minecraft-version dependant (but it currently is) so using it would mean I depend on it to be updated for updating my mod, while I don't have to worry about that if I shadow the Kotlin runtime

  5. On 8/17/2019 at 10:52 PM, rdvdev2 said:

    I found this Forgelin rewrite for 1.13.2+: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/kottle

    It will hopefully do the trick 

    Thank you, but I just don't see why a minecraft-version-dependant framework is needed when Kotlin actually does work out of the box, the only extra step needed is adding the @JvmStatic annotation alongside @SubscribeEvent in static event handler's methods

  6. I don't know whether this has been asked before or whether this is possible or not, but it would be a nice feature for forge blocks without a blockstate to fallback to a signle-state blockstate with block/REGISTRY_NAME.json as default model, and blocks with no blockstate AND model to default to 'block/cube_all' as model and block/REGISTRY_NAME.png as texture


    Same goes for items, with BlockItems defaulting to their correspective block's model, and normal items defaulting to 'item/generated' model with item/REGISTRY_NAME.png as texture



    Also a more complicated addition would be having reusable models (EG: that provide textures as '${name}_top', '${name}_sides' and '${name}_bottom')

  7. 19 minutes ago, Choonster said:

    It looks like spawning conditions are handled by EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry in 1.14.


    You need to call EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry.register with your EntityType and a predicate that determines the conditions under which it can spawn. Zombies and other hostile mobs use MonsterEntity::func_223325_c for the predicate, this checks the difficulty and the light level.

    Thank you, but the register function is private inside EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry, isn't there any forge registry to handle this, or do I have to use reflection?

  8. Hello, I'm having trouble getting a custom mob spawn at night in my custom biome.


    Adding a spawn for a vanilla Zombie will automatically make it spawn only at night,

    addSpawn(EntityClassification.MONSTER, Biome.SpawnListEntry(EntityType.ZOMBIE, 100, 5, 8))


    but doing the same with my custom entity, which extends the ZombieEntity class and has EntityClassification.MONSTER classification will still make it spawn during the day

  9. I was trying to create a customized ocean biome but i wanted my block to show up instead of sand; I just copypasted the normal OceanBiome class but used this config


    SurfaceBuilderConfig(MyMod.Blocks.MYGRASS.defaultState, MyMod.Blocks.MYDIRT.defaultState, MyMod.Blocks.MYSAND.defaultState)


    apparently the underWaterMaterial parameter (third one) is completely ignored and the biome still uses vanilla sand as default

  10. 5 hours ago, diesieben07 said:



    Forge's blockstate format should help you here.

    I've got another small issue, I don't know if that's just me messing it up again or an unimplemented/changed feature, but on 1.14.4 I'm not able to override textures inside a blockstate file, it just uses the model-associated texture (if present) or not-found texture otherwise

    Here's an example of my blockstate


      "forge_marker": 1,
      "variants": {
        "examplestate": {
          "true": {
            "textures": {
              "side": "greenapple_glacia:blocks/test_bedrock",
              "end": "greenapple_glacia:blocks/test_bedrock"
            "model": "greenapple_glacia:block/glacia_column_mono"
          "false": {
            "textures": {
              "side": "greenapple_glacia:blocks/test_stone",
              "end": "greenapple_glacia:blocks/test_stone"
            "model": "greenapple_glacia:block/glacia_column_top"


    But I have many tried different ways with the same result

  11. 16 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:



    Forge's blockstate format should help you here.

    I'm dumb, I was trying to do something like this:

      "forge_marker": 1,
      "variants": {
        "facing" : {
          "north" : {"y": 0},
          "south" : {"y": 180},
          "west" : {"y": 270},
          "east" : {"y": 90}
        "overworld" : {
          "true" : {"model": "greenapple_glacia:block/glacial_berry_overworld"},
          "false" : {"model": "greenapple_glacia:block/glacial_berry"}


    But with normal syntax ("facing=north" : {...} ...)

    This makes this XML JSON blockstates sytem not suck as much


    Also thanks for answering again

  12. Hello, I used to make mods for minecraft 1.7.10 and I'm getting back into it.


    I haven't failed to notice the new XML JSON system (wannabe MVC compliant) sucks... a lot.

    Haven't quite figured it out yet though, so my question is, can I separate what each blockstate for a single block does (ex: `facing` changes the rotation and `overworld` changes the base model) without having to write all combinations of states?


    Example where i write all states combinations:


      "forge_marker": 1,
      "defaults" : {
        "model": "greenapple_glacia:block/glacial_berry"
      "variants": {
        "facing=north,overworld=false" : {"y": 0},
        "facing=south,overworld=false": {"y": 180 },
        "facing=west,overworld=false":  {"y": 270 },
        "facing=east,overworld=false":  {"y": 90 },
        "facing=north,overworld=true" : {"model": "greenapple_glacia:block/glacial_berry_overworld", "y": 0},
        "facing=south,overworld=true": {"model": "greenapple_glacia:block/glacial_berry_overworld", "y": 180 },
        "facing=west,overworld=true":  {"model": "greenapple_glacia:block/glacial_berry_overworld", "y": 270 },
        "facing=east,overworld=true":  {"model": "greenapple_glacia:block/glacial_berry_overworld", "y": 90 }


    ^ that is as much as i was able to trim it

    I mean, if I used 4 states with 4 possible values each, I would have to write 4^4 = 256 stetes (?!)

  13. 24 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

    Won't happen. It was done in the past with Scala and just caused problems galore ("please update Scala!" - "No, please don't, my mod won't work on the newest version!"). Additionally the scala libraries are one of the biggest bandwith hogs on the Forge download server.


    Minecraft targets Java, so that's what Forge targets.

    Just don't use kotlin-reflect then (It is marked as Stable Incremental Release (SIR)), the other components i mentioned are marked as Fully Stable (FS), which, according to the Kotlin documentation website, guarantees future incremental releases to be backwards compatible.


    Also, Kotlin doesn't seem that bloaty to me

  14. I know, unusual request, but Kotlin is now, more than ever, the go-to JVM language for many programmers, and this would allow modders to use the provided libraries without each of them having to include it in their mods.

    By runtime I mean kotlin-stdlib, kotlin-reflect, kotlin-coroutines, kotlin-stdlib-common, kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 and kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 (possibly updated to the latest version)


    BTW: I am able to make mods in Kotlin without using Forgelin (using just the kotlin libraries), I just use the @JvmStatic annotation on the functions inside my RegistryEvents object and it works like a charm; EG:


    @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD)
    object RegistryEvents {
        @JvmStatic @SubscribeEvent
        fun onBlocksRegistry(event: RegistryEvent.Register<Block>) {
            //Do some stuff here
        @JvmStatic @SubscribeEvent
        fun onItemsRegistry(event: RegistryEvent.Register<Item>) {
            //Do some stuff here


  15. Hello everyone, I wanted to try making a mod using Kotlin, but Forgelin is completely trash: I couldn't get it to work on the latest Minecraft version.


    Instead I opted to include the full Kotlin runtime in my Jar using johnregelman's shadow Gradle plugin (relocating it to com.my.package.embedded.kotlin so it doesn't conflict with any other mod doing the same thing)


    I tried including it using the ContainedDeps manifest attribute (and yes, I put the Jars in META-INF/libraries), but it did not work, so this was my only option

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