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Joseph_peace's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Title pretty much gives you the summary. The long versions is that if I install Forge (tested with 1.14.4-forge-28.2.0, 1.15.2-forge-31.1.0, and 1.15.2-forge-31.1.47; with and without any mods), and try to teleport an entity, for example a cow, to the nether using the following command: /execute as @e[type=minecraft:cow,distance=..10] in minecraft:the_nether run tp 0 130 0 then you get the confirmation message that the cow was teleported, but the cow does not disappear. Also, if you travel to the nether coordinates, you will find that a cow did spawned there, but the original cow did not disappear, in other words duplication occurred. This does not happen in vanilla Minecraft; it works properly in vanilla Minecraft. Also, there is no duplication in Forge versions if the cow physically walks through a nether portal instead of using commands. For further testing, I tried naming the cow then teleport it using commands, and surprisingly the new nether cow had the same name. Also for further testing, if I try to teleport the cow more than once, only one cow is spawned in the nether; but if I kill the cow in the nether, and teleport the overworld cow again, another cow spawns in the nether. In short, only one duplicate cow can be spawned in the nether at one time. I don't know if it will help much, but I am including the debug.log for each of those versions because the EAQ said so: 1.14.4-forge-28.2.0: https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/9720fbedd6464974abe7d93c6e810585 1.15.2-forge-31.1.0: https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/6af7331b35a24b69be02997cfa0fb77b 1.15.2-forge-31.1.47: https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/7a60654f91ef4d1e88d10862eaff0753
  2. Noob modder here, I'm trying to remove the random aspect of crops/saplings growth, like they grow 1 stage every minute or something, but I can't for the life of me figure that out. I know they depend on random ticks to grow, but I can't figure out how to change that. There's this piece of code in the BlockCrops class: public void updateTick(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, Random rand) which I think is involved but can't figure it out. Any help is appreciated, even redirection to relevant reading material will do. Thanks in advance.
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