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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Yeah! That example is amazing! But, can i load texture not from resources? From byte array, for example?
  2. Hi! I am creating a mod, which main feature is a many items (too many, about few hundreds). Obviously, these items aren't unique, i just need one item and need to change their texture in runtime (when item creates, based on meta or something else). Also, i am loading these textures from external API (but that's not the case here). My problem is, that I can't find anything about dynamic item rendering (tutorials, wikis etc.), even on older versions. And from my perspective Forge's rendering system is so complicated and poor documented (maybe because 90% of tutorials are telling just how to create a block), so i need your help about my problem, and maybe, if you know some good learning resources about Forge's rendering (especially on modern versions) or any Forge advanced-level tutorials as well, it will be very helpful for me (and for future googlers) if you send here a link.
  3. I said OR LATER. I need any minecraft version. I don't need advice for specific minecraft version, i need advice for FX in Forge in general. (You can give me tips for 1.15 if it would be easy for you) In my opinion, 1.7.10 and 1.12.2 versions need to be LTS because modern minecraft is sh... (for modding) and VERY very large amount of people are using these versions for their modpacks and play because of large mod quantity, optimization and stability (and because modern minecraft is just laggy and you need 1 TB of RAM to actually run it) So, I don't want to create a conflict here (I just voicing my opinion), I need actual help for my problem Thank you for understanding
  4. Hello, minecraft modders! I want to write a mod which adds abilities with various cool VFX. I had an experience for developing videogame visual effects with engines like Unreal and Unity. What i need know to implement my experience with Minecraft Forge? How can i easily implement Visual FX with minecraft forge? (with Forge 1.12.2 or later) Thank you for your attention.
  5. I am writing a mod where you can create slopes (like in carpenter's). I have simple obj models and i need to change it texture in runtime by right clicking the block (like in carpenter's) How can i do that? How can i get texture of block in player's arm and change slope's texture in runtime?
  6. I'm so sorry, but i spent few days for research and i can't find anything, can you help me with render? I just need Vanilla's RenderPlayer and player skin change. What i need to do?
  7. I readed some code in net.minecraft and wrote that: @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerRenderEvent(RenderPlayerEvent.Pre event){ event.setCanceled(true); ResourceLocation texture = new ResourceLocation("rppassport", "textures/player/male.png"); event.getRenderer().bindTexture(texture); event.getRenderer().doRender((AbstractClientPlayer) event.getEntityPlayer(), event.getX(), event.getY(), event.getZ(), event.getEntity().rotationYaw, event.getPartialRenderTick()); } And that error shows in runtime: [13:55:53] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Index: 1 Listeners: [13:55:53] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: 0: NORMAL [13:55:53] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: 1: ASM: com.andry.rppassport.RenderHandler@6145981c onPlayerRenderEvent(Lnet/minecraftforge/client/event/RenderPlayerEvent$Pre;)V [13:55:53] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Exception caught during firing event net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderPlayerEvent$Pre@35cafcb5: java.lang.StackOverflowError: null many text... Exception fires at: event.getRenderer().doRender((AbstractClientPlayer)event.getEntityPlayer(),event.getX(),event.getY(),event.getZ(),event.getEntity().rotationYaw,event.getPartialRenderTick()); What am i doing wrong?
  8. Where i can find that code? i'm newbie and this is my first mod. Do you know something about it?
  9. How can i do that? Or where i can find manual about that?
  10. Okay i found out how fire up and cancel events. I need to change entity's texture. I wrote code below but it just makes player model invisible, what am i doing wrong? @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerRenderEvent(RenderPlayerEvent.Pre event){ event.setCanceled(true); ResourceLocation texture = new ResourceLocation("rppassport", "textures/player/male.png"); event.getRenderer().bindTexture(texture); }
  11. Can you explain more about it? It will be good if you give me code examples (Sry i am noob)
  12. Hello modders! I need to set (override defaults with) custom skin (or model) for player with my mod. I can't find anything about changing player model with Forge and player rendering events for Minecraft 1.12.2. (What i found didn't work for me) And so, how can i do that? Thank you for future answers! p.s sry for my bad english. i'm stupid 14-yo from russia
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