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Temps Pi

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  1. Hi, As said in title is there any animation for living entities guide you could recommend for 1.12.2 ? Should I use LLibrary ?
  2. Oh wow .. that was really dumb .. Some other things I tried might have worked if I knew what kind of coordinates I was using. Sorry for that and once again thanks, my block is doing exactly what I wanted thanks to you.
  3. I changed for "<= " but still nothing even by surrounding the block with furnace ?
  4. @Override public void updateTick(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, Random rand){ if(!world.isRemote){ this.growthBoost(world, pos, state); this.getTileEntityInAABB(world, -10,10,-10,10,-10,10); } } public static List<TileEntity> getTileEntityInAABB(World world, int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY, int minZ, int maxZ) { List<TileEntity> telist = new ArrayList<TileEntity>(); for (double y = minY; y < maxY; ++y) { for (double x = minX; x < maxX; ++x) { for (double z = minZ; z < maxZ; ++z) { TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(new BlockPos(x, y, z)); if (te != null) { telist.add(te); } } } } System.out.println("test---"+telist); return telist; } So that's what i have so far, tried some printing but it seems that i get an empty list
  5. Yes sorry. Minecraft furnace are tile entities right ? Cause I tried what you sent and all I get is an empty list so I probably miss implemented it..
  6. I don't uderstand how to use getEntitiesWithinAABB(), the industrial forgegoing part you sent to me is about living entities which seems to be quite different to scan, i'd like to get TileEntities
  7. Thanks for answer ! I managed to scan for normal blocks and so speeding up those that implements IGrowable / Iplantable which is nice ! But I can't figure how to scan for entities, tried to find some exemples online but didn't found much, do you have any ?
  8. Hi everyone, So i'm trying to start some minecraft modding, one of the things i'd like to create is a block capable of increasing or decreasing amount of ticks in a determinated range. I made some research but I did'nt find anything about it, any help ? I also added a staff capable of throwing an entity which applies a potion effect (wither) on the hited target but sadly the thrower also takes wither effects (black hearts) but this wither effect doesn't harm him and I can't figure out how to avoid giving this effect to the thrower. Thanks for reading !
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