I'm trying to add Rose Quartz to the game. When I do the pillar the block shows up in game but with no textures.
This is what I have in BlockInit
public static void registerBlocks(final RegistryEvent.Register<Block> event)
event.getRegistry().register(new Block(Properties.from(Blocks.QUARTZ_PILLAR)).setRegistryName("rose_quartz_pillar_block"));
My Blockstate
"variants": {
"axis=y": { "model": "block/rose_quartz_pillar_block" },
"axis=z": { "model": "block/rose_quartz_pillar_block", "x": 90 },
"axis=x": { "model": "block/rose_quartz_pillar_block", "x": 90, "y": 90 },
And my model
"parent": "block/cube_column",
"textures": {
"end": "block/rose_quartz_pillar_top",
"side": "block/rose_quartz_pillar"
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?