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  1. In a project I'm working on I'm trying to replace some data and assets from another mod. The data (recipe) replacement worked just fine but the assets seem to not take effect. I know replacing stuff from other mods is frowned upon but this is a small private project so don't worry about compatibility.
  2. Where would I find that?
  3. I know this is probably pretty simple but how do I get a block to drop xp? I'm making a duplicate nether quartz ore and want the same xp dropping properties to be added to it
  4. oh yikes
  5. So the block is a beehive block and has 5 honey value levels, but bees wont fly into it. Is that a seperate tag?
  6. I'm using the same blockstate as the vanilla quartz pillar. I copied and pasted on purpose to make sure nothing should have gone wrong.
  7. https://gist.github.com/Umpaz/190cb29ec7bd3d624e156072bafb0410. Sorry about that
  8. I changed it for the model and blockstate. Still shows up textureless.
  9. I'm trying to add Rose Quartz to the game. When I do the pillar the block shows up in game but with no textures. This is what I have in BlockInit @SubscribeEvent public static void registerBlocks(final RegistryEvent.Register<Block> event) { event.getRegistry().register(new Block(Properties.from(Blocks.QUARTZ_PILLAR)).setRegistryName("rose_quartz_pillar_block")); } My Blockstate { "variants": { "axis=y": { "model": "block/rose_quartz_pillar_block" }, "axis=z": { "model": "block/rose_quartz_pillar_block", "x": 90 }, "axis=x": { "model": "block/rose_quartz_pillar_block", "x": 90, "y": 90 }, } } And my model { "parent": "block/cube_column", "textures": { "end": "block/rose_quartz_pillar_top", "side": "block/rose_quartz_pillar" } } Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
  10. I'm trying to create a custom beehive but I'm new to coding. Is there just a class I need to invoke, or is it a by block basis?
  11. I'm trying to learn more about coding and to get some bases down I downloaded some mods from curseforge. When I try to load them into eclipse and view anything but assets it gives me the error source not found. Is there some kind of decompile I have to do to view the code?
  12. I'm looking to make a new material color folder so I can have a ceartin color show up on maps for my new blocks.
  13. Thank you
  14. I installed forge mdk and I can't seem to find minecrafts vanilla folders. I am looking for the properties like hardness and blast resistance of certain blocks.
  15. Thanks very much!
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