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Posts posted by fluenzia

  1. 2 hours ago, Meldexun said:

    I think it's not working because when creating your ArmorMaterial in your ModItems class you pass

    Reference.MOD_ID + ":steel_ingot"

    as the texture name.

    So minecraft searches in your assets/MOD_ID/textures/models/armor folder for




    But i don't think that are your texture file names.

    You are jesus. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

  2. 5 minutes ago, Animefan8888 said:

    Well yeah because you need to override the one in the Item class. Check the method signature. The one in the Item class has parameters.

    So each of my tools implements IHasModels (as that's what the tutorial I was watching, showed me to do) and to fix the errors I have to add the @Override to each class that implements IHasModel. would I just put the file path in the ArmorBase.java? 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Animefan8888 said:

    Not sure what you mean here is the method working now or not? If not post your code.

    it is not working when I put the method into IHasModels (which it tells me to do when I try to put it into ArmorBase.java) it tells me that everything that implements IHasModels now "must implement the inherited abstract method IHasModel.getArmorTexture()" 

    IHasModel.java ArmorBase.java

  4. 45 minutes ago, oldcheese said:

    Are there any errors? Are you sure you've put your texture in the correct folder? 


    I'm not quite sure on this, but do you need to implement IHasModel? If you're simply making a 'basic' armourpiece then all you need to do is extend ItemArmor.


    If the item appears, 'works' (Has the right armour values etc.) and has names/stats except for the black and purple texture than all that's wrong is that it's either missing a texture or a model. 



    Edit: An armour I have made in 1.12 follows the following structure: 

    package com.cheese.brpg.item;
    import com.cheese.brpg.main;
    import net.minecraft.inventory.EntityEquipmentSlot;
    import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor;
    public class ItemTestarmor extends ItemArmor {
    	public ItemTutorialArmor(ArmorMaterial material, EntityEquipmentSlot equipmentSlot) {
    		super(material, 0, equipmentSlot);



    Everything works fine in game (the armour item textures work fine as well) it's just the textures for when you're wearing the armour

  5. This is my first time programming anything and first time modding in Minecraft (as a warning). I've been following a beginners tutorial in order to learn the basics (adding blocks, tools, armour, etc.) and everything has worked perfectly. Except for my armour layer models. I took them out of the base game files and only changed the colour, and even just renamed the base ones without any other changes to test it, but still just a black and purple man when the armour goes on. Since I'm a noob I don't really know what files to upload, so if I'm missing anything please let me know and I'll get it up as soon as possible.

    ArmorBase.java ModItems.java

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