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Everything posted by KidKoderMod033109

  1. Great! Just one problem, I have NO clue how to use WorldSavedData. I have looked at the Forge docs, but it doesn't really help me understand how to use it. Do you have any examples of WorldSavedData?
  2. Yes, that worked, but I could only EntityJoinWorldEvent and that seemed close, but wrong. If you know of any other way please tell me PS. It does not need to be an event. Anything will work
  3. Hi, I want to be able to detect when the player joins a world/server for the first time using Events. Is this even possible? Thanks in advance, Kid Koder
  4. I mean't create a new "config file" in the world folder, then can be read back. imacatlol said: Can't you? I believe the SERVER config type will do exactly what is desired, unless the javadocs are misleading me. @imacatlololHow do I do that?
  5. The whole mod is based upon the logic and requires the logic to be in that class. But, I have thought to create a "config" file for each world, would that work/how would I do that?
  6. I have a class that has the logic to decide what does into the ArrayList, and I want to save that ArrayList to data in the world, Then, when the World is loaded again, to read the data and use it. I am using WorldSavedData because it seemed like it would work. If you know any other way to do this, please tell me(Please avoid from file stuff such as creating a file for each world).
  7. Hi, I'm looking to save ArrayLists, in the WorldSavedData class. I already have the following: How do I save an ArrayList in to the class in a diffrent class, then retrive it when I need it? Thanks in advance, Kid Koder
  8. Sorry, you may have understood me wrong, it does not show an error log, it just shows that the file/folder is not there
  9. IntelliJ gives you a not found error if it can not find the folder. To how do I move my directory in IntelliJ?
  10. I understand the command line, but GitHub Desktop is simpler if you get what I mean, IntelliJ is my IDE of choice and will give you an error if the directory is moved.
  11. How can I move my mod to a USB Drive using IntelliJ IDEA? I also have Git connection in my associated with my mod(i.e GitHub Desktop and GitHub, and of course Git).
  12. @imacatlololI uploaded a GitHub gist here: https://gist.github.com/KidKoder09923/c9668da23ccbde9e53e4619da1518b97
  13. @diesieben07I can't it is too much for the server to take, tried to upload the file also.
  14. @imacatlolol I changed my code to this: package net.kidkoder.allergies.effect; import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity; import net.minecraft.potion.Effect; import net.minecraft.potion.EffectType; public class EffectAllergicReaction extends Effect { public EffectAllergicReaction() { super(EffectType.HARMFUL, 255); setRegistryName("allergic_reaction"); } @Override public boolean isReady(int duration, int amplifier) { return true; } @Override public void performEffect(LivingEntity entity, int amplifier) { entity.setHealth(1); super.performEffect(entity, amplifier); } } And I got the same error. But, I also found this error: [15:36:55] [Server-Worker-15/WARN] [mojang/YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService]: Couldn't look up profile properties for com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@60a58148[id=380df991-f603-344c-a090-369bad2a924a,name=Dev,properties={},legacy=false] com.mojang.authlib.exceptions.AuthenticationException: The client has sent too many requests within a certain amount of time at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilAuthenticationService.makeRequest(YggdrasilAuthenticationService.java:79) ~[authlib-1.5.25.jar:?] {} at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService.fillGameProfile(YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService.java:180) ~[authlib-1.5.25.jar:?] {} at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService$1.load(YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService.java:60) ~[authlib-1.5.25.jar:?] {} at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService$1.load(YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService.java:57) ~[authlib-1.5.25.jar:?] {} at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$LoadingValueReference.loadFuture(LocalCache.java:3716) ~[guava-21.0.jar:?] {} at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$Segment.loadSync(LocalCache.java:2424) ~[guava-21.0.jar:?] {} at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$Segment.lockedGetOrLoad(LocalCache.java:2298) ~[guava-21.0.jar:?] {} at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$Segment.get(LocalCache.java:2211) ~[guava-21.0.jar:?] {} at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache.get(LocalCache.java:4154) ~[guava-21.0.jar:?] {} at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache.getOrLoad(LocalCache.java:4158) ~[guava-21.0.jar:?] {} at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$LocalLoadingCache.get(LocalCache.java:5147) ~[guava-21.0.jar:?] {} at com.google.common.cache.LocalCache$LocalLoadingCache.getUnchecked(LocalCache.java:5153) ~[guava-21.0.jar:?] {} at com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService.fillProfileProperties(YggdrasilMinecraftSessionService.java:170) ~[authlib-1.5.25.jar:?] {} at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.getProfileProperties(Minecraft.java:1898) ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.resources.SkinManager.lambda$loadProfileTextures$4(SkinManager.java:90) ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask$RunnableExecuteAction.exec(ForkJoinTask.java:1402) [?:1.8.0_181] {} at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(ForkJoinTask.java:289) [?:1.8.0_181] {} at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask(ForkJoinPool.java:1056) [?:1.8.0_181] {} at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(ForkJoinPool.java:1692) [?:1.8.0_181] {} at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinWorkerThread.run(ForkJoinWorkerThread.java:157) [?:1.8.0_181] {}
  15. @Alpvax and @imacatlolol,I still don't know what you are talking about. If you could explain to me a "packet" and a "network channel" is and how to fix it, that would be super helpful Once again thanks, Kid Koder
  16. Hi, I was working on my mod, and then when I test runned, I got this error message, [20:46:15] [Render thread/ERROR] [ne.mi.fm.ne.si.IndexedMessageCodec/SIMPLENET]: Received empty payload on channel fml:handshake I don't know what caused it, but it seems that anything Entity based will not work(besides player movment). Blocks also con be placed. Thanks in advance, Kid Koder
  17. Hi, I manged to figure it out, but forgot to delete this thread.
  18. Hi, I'm using the Effect class to make a custom Effect. I have the effect rigistered and everything, but it is not functioning. I would hope that I could use one of the functions in there to activate the effect when I use /effect Dev . Thanks in advance, Kid Koder
  19. Hi, I was wandering how to get the player's username as String using the PlayerEntity class. I have so far done String name = player.getName().toString(); but I just go a bunch of what I think was JSON. Thanks in advance, Kid Koder
  20. Hi, In my mod, my blocks are not registering. I have tried about 100 times and nothing worked, not even the /give command. Here is my code: @Mod.EventBusSubscriber() public class Register { @SubscribeEvent public static void registerBlock(final RegistryEvent.Register<Block> event) { event.getRegistry().registerAll( BlockList.SLIME_BALL_FARM = new BlockSlimeBallFarm(Block.Properties.create(Material.IRON)).setRegistryName("slime_ball_farm") ); } @SubscribeEvent public static void registerItem(final RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event) { event.getRegistry().registerAll( BlockList.SLIME_BALL_FARM_ITEM = new BlockItem(BlockList.SLIME_BALL_FARM, new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.BUILDING_BLOCKS).maxStackSize(1)).setRegistryName("slime_ball_farm") ); } }
  21. Some I want users to be able to change and some not
  22. Hi, I'm new to modding and need help making keybindings for my mods. I know there is a KeyBinding Class, but I can nor figure it out. PS. Is it possible to not show the keybinding in "controls"
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