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Everything posted by trismon55555

  1. Welp, after downloading a newer version of forge, and deleting the unsupported tree chopper mod, 1.14.4 modded works again. maybe deleting the config folder helped as well, so thx man.
  2. Actually, i got 1.12.2 to finally work, I just needed to find the correct forge version.
  3. Update, mods on modpack platforms such as TechnicLauncher not only still work, but the mods I was trying to use on regular minecraft also work. So this seems somewhat dumb.
  4. Grand, Now I can't play with ANY mods. Even though it opens perectly fine with NO mods, but add 1 and NOPE, CRASH TIME. (For clarity sake, this is after not only un-installing and re installing minecraft, but forge as well.)
  5. After another computer reset, everything seems to just turned back to normal, but I am done trying to get 1.14.4 mods to work. Im going back to 1.12.2
  6. Well, I use chrome for my web surfing. But as I type the issue is now worse, the windows randomly close, various text boxes say windows has a data error, my desktop backgrounds have been replaced with a purple bland one, And worse of all, the screen still cuts to black. Im worried I might have to reset this computer to factory settings.
  7. It also explains why my computer is going nuts, every time I had a window open, opening minecraft would cause the opened window to not respond, turn the entire thing black, and eventually disconnects the signal from the monitor. Resetting the computer seemed to fix it, until i tried to play minecraft again
  8. After doing some re-checking, listing, deleting and re-installing of my mods. I realize that the culprit might just be the 1.14.4 tree chopper mod, I found out on curseforge, tree chopper doesn't extend to 1.14.4. Im gonna try and re-download the rest to see if that was it.
  9. Basically I was playing some good ol' 1.14.4 modded minecraft for a while, and after I got to the nether and got around 40 magma blocks, the game crashed. Now whenever I try to get on, All i get to is the loading screen before crashing with this message: The game crashed whilst rendering overlay Error: com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.io.ParsingException: Not enough data available Here Is also The crash report (Which I have no Idea What It says / means) So, An explanation on what happened and how I can fix it would be nice.
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