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  1. I have written a tutorial on how I have achieved this and put it on the wiki for anyone that needs to know how it can be accomplished. http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Multiple_Pass_Render_Blocks
  2. Hi, I have a block set up that uses both renderBlockFluids and renderBlockCrops. These use different render passes. I think I have a solution and it seems to work, but I'm not sure if it's the best way to go, or if there is a better way of going about it. I have set up a variable to hold the current pass of the renderer in my ClientProxy. It is set by the function canRenderInPass(int pass) in my actual Block class, which is being passed the current pass of the renderer. Then I have just a check in my custom renderer that renders the fluid if the ClientProxy variable is 1, and renders the crops if it is 0. Has anyone else tried to do this?
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