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Marcb barbier Gamerstone

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Marcb barbier Gamerstone's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. it's now working thanks a lot guys you are both amazing
  2. Thank you a lot i will try that as soon as I can And I will also try fix all of the code style error For the iron chest I did just copied the code from the copper one I would have fixed it if I had seen the chest workin
  3. intelij has option for shell scipt you can make one the require the mod to be buid before running and copy the mod from the build folder to your .minecraft/mods and then run the game
  4. oh you right sorry for that i applied your fix there no more error in the logs but i still have the render bug Edit: i just updated the github with the fix still have the render bug tho Edit2: its like the file is read (because i have the error without it) and it's not used even when i had the code for a simple 2d item it was still rendering the big cube
  5. thank you for your help but that didn't fix the issue i still have the same problem here my logs there is now error about model jsons https://pastebin.com/CVkTmjVp
  6. hello. i am a beginer in forge mod making and i wanted to code a chest with a custom size i achieved it but when i hold my item in my hand it's a big cube with purple and black square(missing texure) bug i don't have message in the logs about a missing blockstate nor textures all i have is the big buggy item here is a screen shot you can find my code here https://github.com/Gamerstone/FFactory sorry bad english im not a native speaker and thanks in advance
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