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  1. You should try reordering the goal priorities, my entity wouldn't attack until I increased the melee attack goal priority.
  2. That's good, but not quite there yet. I need some way to tell what Item I am using in the recipe because it will have a specific effect. Using getContainerItem I can change the resulting Item but I need the change to depend on what the secondary Item was. The only thing I can think of is to make a custom crafting table block, that way I could have complete control over the ItemStacks involved, at least that's my theory. A game theory.
  3. I have a class for an Item (in this case it extends ArmorItem) with some boolean values. I want to have a recipe that will switch these boolean values, and it depends on the actual Items in the recipe. The main Item is something like a piece of armor, the other is some item that will change the properties of the armor (through the use of the booleans) but keep everything else: durability, enchantments, ect. I am realizing the class will only be instantiated once for all ItemStacks of this Item, so I suppose I would need to store the information in the ItemStack NBT data or something, but I still need to do something when the crafting takes place. I'm fairly certain the json recipes won't do anything like this, so I need to have it in code. How can this be done? In the future, for Minecraft 1.16+, I would like to use the smithing table in sort of the same way where the item is upgraded but I don't want another Item, the Item will be the same because there will be many variations and they won't be that much different.
  4. I see, I just remember it being more helpful for other items in the past (like maybe a more specific line number, I can't remember). I just need to remember next time lol ?
  5. Oh, I double checked all the items but I didn't see that one because the line was so small ?. If only the error was more helpful.
  6. I can't figure out whats causing this crash: "Can't use a null-name for the registry, object air." I've tried commenting out some of the recently added items but no luck. I don't think any of the items have not had the registry name set. What's strange is the "object air" thing, I don't know what it's trying to tell me and the only reference to my code is "at com.Invilis.items.EpicItems.registerItems(EpicItems.java:165)." Latest Log: https://pastebin.com/rqC7kXs1 EpicItems.java: https://pastebin.com/W1q6D4dF
  7. I am trying to figure out the new ways of doing things with Minecraft 1.14.4 so I can translate my 1.7.10 mod to the latest version. This would be much easier if I could view the Minecraft source from Eclipse like I could with older versions. I have been able to access the source code manually but it is not convenient this way because I have to decompile the java class files from the jar file located at: C:\Users\<user>\.gradle\caches\forge_gradle\minecraft_user_repo\net\minecraftforge\forge\1.14.4-28.1.0_mapped_snapshot_20190719-1.14.3
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