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Everything posted by MisteryMan

  1. I'm trying to use a mod (Beta+, world generation) on my 1.14.4 server, however, the client crashes after a few moments after being connected to the server, this behavior is not experienced running the mod in a singleplayer environment. Considering the crash report, I think it's due to how Beta+ tries to change reed colours. After experimentation, it is indeed the reed/sugarcane colouring, I'd prefer having vanilla colours anyways, so I'm looking into how to just "rip the chunk out", so to speak. EDIT: I figured out how to remove the colour module, I just removed the import statements, and function calls relating to the colour module. Forge versions tested: 1.14.4-28.1.87 1.14.4-28.1.90 Here's a pastebin with the crash log I've tried building the project with the included gradle script, but I get the following error: EDIT: It does seem to build fine, so I guess this isn't too big of a deal As part of making the publishing plugins stable, the 'deferred configurable' behavior of the 'publishing {}' block is now deprecated. Please add 'enableFeaturePreview('STABLE_PUBLISHING')' to your settings file and do a test run by publishing to a local repository. If all artifacts are published as expected, there is nothing else to do. If the published artifacts change unexpectedly, please see the migration guide for more details: https://docs.gradle.org/4.9/userguide/publishing_maven.html#publishing_maven:deferred_configuration. In Gradle 5.0 the flag will be removed and the new behavior will become the default. at build_bcotglt8nornndlw0x8c8y32g.run(/myUserDir//Beta-Plus/build.gradle:14) (Run with --stacktrace to get the full stack trace of this deprecation warning.)
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