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Everything posted by Reloading

  1. I've discovered the solution to this wide-spread issue that has been plaguing many people's servers. Due to the recent hostility I've received from (supposedly) the mods/admins I've decided NOT to post the solution here, if you're in need of the solution PM me or google on different forums, you'll see it, I hope future visitors can get a picture of how they'll be treated here. PS: Giving people warnings and post-moderation bans is not going to achieve ANYTHING, we're not in a kindergarten.
  2. Yes, buy a pre-configured host or learn/inform yourself as to how port-forwarding works and how to prevent security compromises. Perhaps if you still encounter this issue, I am more than happy to provide my competence to help you via PM
  3. Absolutely not, I'm helping on a different forum about C/C++ and appreciate it when other users notify me about the status change of their threads. Next time don't think someone immediately has bad intentions.
  4. Wow somebody had a bad day. What's the matter with you? I kindly asked something and now you get all offensive and stuff?
  5. I don't want to disturb this thread with selfishness but I appended the debug.logs to my thread so perhaps now you can solve the puzzle
  6. @DaemonUmbra @diesieben07 I appended the logs for both client and server in the attachment area. Here's another interesting thing, I re-installed forge and noticed something weird being printed on my terminal when I ran the installer --installServer command: java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true Installing server to current directory So I deleted everything (except the vanila 1.12.2 jar file since it needed by forge) and reinstalled the installer.jar with Djava.net.preferIPV4Stack=false option but I still get that output printed on the terminal... Maybe that's the issue? Anyway see the debug.logs I appended, I replaced certain parts such as the IPv6 for example with <VPS IPv6> or other stuff that I deem possibly private info, this should not affect the overall validity of the logs. In the client log there's an interesting Java Exception at the bottom about the connection refusal. CLIENTdebug.log SERVERdebug.log
  7. Isn't it weird that when I start the server via Vanila, it works flawlessly but the forge one fails with a connection refused error? It's not like the forge.jar is changing the VPSs Firewall or whatever.
  8. I tried the following command on both the server, still doesnt work nothing changed: java -Xms1G -Xmx2700M -Djava.net.preferIPV4Stack=false -jar forge-1.12.2- nogui
  9. Following issue: I'm hosting an 1.12.2 mc server via (debian) Linux VPS <-- IPv6 only. When I'm starting the Server with the offical 1.12.2, I can connect to the server via Windows Client flawlessly, vanila, no issue. But as soon as I start the server with Forge (1.12.2-, my windows client notes "Can't connect to server" and the error is: "io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: no further information:" What's happening? Both addresses are IPv6, it can't be the firewall because vanila worked and I even allowed port 25565 (with ufw) still, nothing changed.
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